Today we realized how uneducated and unintelligent is most part of society. If we take a look on latest events then most part of society is not only uneducated and unintelligent but also one big hypocrite who pretends to have morale standards but actually sits there and waits for a chance to tear apart every weaker human being for nothing especially those weaker humans who has disorder like a beast without trying to understand disorder is a broad concept and you cannot so simply condemn people only because they have disorder like it would be their fault. The problem with most part of society is when you or others are asking to accept people with disorders most part of society thinks about pedophiles or other maniacs and only rarity understands you are asking to accept those who are not killing people or doing anything else that could qualify him as maniac in front of society. That you are asking to not condemn somebody only because his disorder is making freaking out look worse than normally, to not condemn those who need more time than most people to understand things, to not condemn those people who are dressing funny and so on. Funny dressing can be embarrassing but it does not kill people and freaking out it still the same freaking out with difference that it looks worse than usually but it also does not kill people yet most part of society is ready to tear apart even these people like a beast.
You need examples of how unintelligent, uneducated and hypocritical society can be? Then do not look too far. deviantART is very good example for it. GFSLEGION Trixi, Grummel83 Kai, sarahthrel Sarah and Hellraiser-89 Chris so far are the biggest hypocritical unintelligent and uneducated beasts you can find there.
GFSLEGION Trixi and Grummel83 Kai only plays nice but truth is they are waiting for a chance to tear you apart. How? Simple. They will pretend they forgive you every mistake you have made but one day you will find out your mistakes they forgave you are now reason to tear you apart only because you made humane mistake again and if you will tell you have disorder then they will definitely bully you and later hiding behind mother's skirts like cowards will shamelessly deny it with excuses like he forced me to do it when truth is nobody can force you unless he has kidnapped somebody you love and threatens to kill that somebody if you will not do what he tells or aim with the gun in your direction. All good stuff you did for them will not be good enough for them and they will forget what good stuff you did for them only because you have disorder.
Hint: If it would not be Alex who asked Trixi to play Mass Effect 3 multiplayer then now Trixi would not be playing multiplayer with her hungry primitives and how Trixi said thanks to Alex for it and everything else Alex did for Trixi. By stabbing him in the back and then tearing him apart only because he made humane mistake and same happened with girl. Kai helped Trixi to make it worse in both cases.
Then they will be telling people it is enough to blame somebody for harassment when all they have got is town, country, offending messages and account list. Every human with intelligence would know even IP address would not be enough evidence even if it is direct evidence. There is this little possibility somebody else could have done crimes from girl's or other people's computer yet most people there are not interested in it because most people are unintelligent, uneducated hypocritical beasts who will enjoy how their leaders GFSLEGION Trixi and Grummel83 Kai tears apart every weaker human they can tear apart with their lies without very direct evidence.
Way how they accuse and lie about girl is the same as if one of us would went to apartment house's stairwell and would have hanged a note on it's notice board which is saying our neighbor Vera had a sexual intercourse with her cat but that would not prove it is true.
sarahthrel Sarah thinks she is savior of the day but she is unintelligent hypocritical lying naive girl fooled by GFSLEGION Trixi and Grummel83 Kai. Their little loyal uneducated girl. We asked people who were bullied if it is possible somebody who has been bullied will bully back people too and they told us only because if somebody who has been bullied will move on does not mean every bullied person will move on. What bullied person will do after bullying depends from bullied person's life experience and they told us they can understand girl's actions while you sarathrel did not even tried because you are only hypocritical liar and also very unintelligent if you think these evidence GFSLEGION and Grummel83 have are enough to blame her because personally the journals with disfigurements did not showed indications about bullying them or you in girl's name, We showed evidence but you still support them because you like how they tear apart every weaker human with their unintelligent gabble.
Hellraiser-89 Chris shows very good how uneducated and unintelligent hypocritical liar he is. Got offending messages and already tells people his unintelligent lies he heard about girl from his leaders GFSLEGION Trixi and Grummel83 Kai. He must be their good little unintelligent loyal boy. Hungry primitive who feeds from lies GFSLEGION Trixi and Grummel83 Kai is gabbling about girl.
In short we could tell GFSLEGION Trixi Grummel83 Kai sarahthrel Sarah and Hellraiser-89 Chris are unintelligently gabbling uneducated meaningless hypocritical lying beasts who only accidentally looks like human but are not humans only poor beasts who are ready to tear apart every weaker human being for nothing and so are the people who believe them. These four unintelligent gabbling uneducated meaningless hypocritical lying poor beasts and people who believe them has no smallest idea what true friendship and humanity means.
Seems like we live in society of beasts not in society of humans and if most part of society will continue to behave like these four unintelligent gabbling uneducated meaningless hypocritical lying poor beasts then humanity will destroy itself sooner than we think that is if humanity has not already destroyed itself.
I think that's harsh to say about whole society but most people on deviantART are uneducated and unintelligent hypocrites. If I have to say in short deviantART is a paradise for hypocrites and hell for true friends. Feels as if most people there're already turned into animals without ability to think. Not to mention these 4 animals you've mentioned.
ReplyDeletePerhaps but you know how things are starting. Everything starts from somewhere and then we will not even be able to shut and open the eyes quickly when it is already spread everywhere.
DeleteYeah you are correct it is paradise for hypocrites and hell for true friends. The consequences of using internet too much. It takes away ability to think.
Yeah we wonder how any intelligent human can endure them.
People who wish to be friends with these as you say unintelligently gabbling uneducated meaningless hypocritical lying beasts aren't normal! Every normal human would stay away from them! It's obvious they aren't friends!
ReplyDeleteApparently most people there are not much better than these four unintelligently gabbling uneducated meaningless hypocritical lying beasts people. Cannot find other explanations why people are supporting them and wish to be friends with them.