While we were friends I believed they wished to support me but now I believe they both are waiting for a chance to bully and to be jerks to those like me who can't be so damn skilled as GFSLEGION and Grummel83 are. That not being as skilled as GFSLEGION and Grummel83 are has nothing to do with laziness but there are things people like me can't do and expecting people like me to do those things just because others can do like GFSLEGION and Grummel83 are expecting is the same as expecting from someone in wheelchair to jump with skipping rope like those who can walk are jumping with it. Sad is because now I know GFSLEGION and Grummel83 lied to me all that time when we were friends and never told me truth. I guess there's some benefit from my overreaction. At least I know their true face.
I think I said this before that GFSLEGION and Grummel83 are so vainly arrogant hypocrites that everything you'll say like you have disorder, language barriers or any other difficulties and disabilities which has nothing to do with laziness but more like with medical terms or something like that will be only a poor excuse for them because in this moment when you'll tell something like that to them they'll be the ones who're looking for poor excuses how to bully you and make you feel more miserable just because you in medical terms have disabilities and/or disorders.
The only time when vainly arrogant hypocrite GFSLEGION is right saying that I came up with excuse or strange reason is when subject comes to the game she wanted to buy for me. I came up with that strange reason because I didn't wanted any games from her! I feared that direct no could hurt her so I hoped that this excuse will work and won't hurt GFSLEGION or at least won't hurt that much as direct no might have hurt.
And if there's something which is really annoying then it's when people think they know better what I have and what I want and that's why usually things goes bad with me when people start to behave like they know better than me what I have and what I want. Showing such behavior they reveal to me they don't know me at all!
These GFSLEGION's words I took from GFSLEGION's journal.
She didn't have a job and later I recognoized she doesn't want any job cause then she has to go to work and has no time for internet/deviantart. She believed she could spend her whole life sitting in front of DA and making pics and write poems. Her art was not the best and not the worst. I would say in the middle. So I thought I could help her and tried to encourage her to make her life better. So I wasted hours of hours of making suggestions and listening to all her problems, but she never listened. All I told her, I had to repeat over and over and again, cause she didn't want to hear that. She only wanted me to tell her she's awesome. Finding a job or improve her life and all other things she always had poor excuses.
Unlike you GFSLEGION I'm not unintelligent and I'm not going to be a slave who's doing a lot of duties for a ridiculous salary! And would you like to answer on a question why about 200 000 Latvians have left Latvia and now lives in foreign countries? I'll tell you why. It's not because they simply wished to live in these foreign countries but it's because salary here is ridiculously low while all that payment for rent, food, electricity and other such things together are so high that you can't pay for that all with your ridiculous salary! I think I can safely say that only few here are lucky enough that they've found a job which has normal salary with which they can pay for those things without worries. Instead of coming up with your poor excuses for being bully and jerk you should've done a little research about Latvia.
And which things you had to repeat to me exactly because I know these are your poor lies when you say you had to repeat it all over and over again! I know there're some things which people have to repeat to me because of my low confidence which is the reason why I'm not always sure if I understood something right!
You can find on GFSLEGION's profile these poor excuses to blame me for things I haven't done.
She proved the possibility to change IP address and she has screenshot that someone from Riga according to her google analytics tool has done activities on her profile and GFSLEGION in her vainly arrogance thinks that's enough to blame me. Yep because of disorder I can be called sick but GFSLEGION and Grummel83 are really sick because they see excuses and some secret intentions where those things never were and comes up with excuses for being bullies and jerks.
Hellraiser-89 (Chris) existence is so poor and meaningless because he's kissing GFSLEGION's and Grummel83's ass so much that he's even ready to help them to lie about me! That's simply miserable!
I thought about actions of sarahthrel (sarah). If people who knew me, GFSLEGION and Grummel83 more or less decided to stay away from this except that meaningless naive credulous stupid ass kisser Hellraiser-89 who in his meaningless existence has nothing better to do than help people to lie about me ( I guess that makes him feel less meaningless and poor) then sarahthrel who didn't knew me, GFSLEGION and Grummel83 decided to interfere in this. If she's naive and credulous fool then this naivety, foolishness and credulity she has shown is something new to me because if I somehow can understand why Hellraiser-89 is so naive credulous fool then I'll never understand how can sarahthrel be so naive, credulous fool which is why I think sarahthrel is someone who's helping people like GFSLEGION and Grummel83 to destroy, ruin or wreck (choose the word you like better to use in this case) other people's lives.
If previously I strongly advised to forget about deviantART then now for those who have deviantART account but GFSLEGION, Grummel83, sarahthrel and Hellraiser-89 aren't in their friends list I strongly advise you to keep it that way because for your own sake it is better that you aren't friends with these poor meaningless lying vainly arrogant hypocrites and ass kissers and for those who GFSLEGION, Grummel83, sarahthrel and Hellraiser-89 are friends I strongly advise you to reconsider about how much you're going to trust them because it's better that you talk with them as less as possible and don't trust them so much!
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