Sunday 19 June 2016

As For Tumblr Moron's "Evidence"

And who says disappointed-logic isn't someone who you asked to help you lie tumblr moron? You? GFSLEGION? Please! :D You just talk and talk and talk and post everything your sick, twisted mind comes up with but nothing of what you said is valid because your blog doesn't contain evidence. Your blog is just so called yellow rumor page.

Here's the definition of evidence

The means by which an allegation may be proven, such as oral testimony, documents, or physical objects. 

The set of legal rules determining what testimony, documents, and objects may be admitted as proof in a trial.

And you tumblr moron has nothing of that in your blog! It might as well been you yourself who created that tumblr account and wrote it.

This is blog is what really is valid because every screenshot you can see there is from GFSLEGION's, sarahthrel's, Grummel83's and Hellraiser-89's original dA accounts while you tumblr moron have just screenshots with something which came from accounts who's owner is unknown and just because you tumblr moron say something it doesn't mean it is like that!
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