Let's begin with thing I took from this blog post http://cretinismsociety.blogspot.de/2016/06/what-hypocrisy.html
Today I went to GFSLEGION's blog to see if there's something new. While searching for any changes I noticed something. I got the same note from GFSLEGION's blog we all have seen before but this note has something not everybody has seen before or paid attention. This note has a date. A date which is August 3, 2015
That's a date or a close date to the day when GFSLEGION begun to bully SinRedemption but bullying which was aimed on GFSLEGION started only when? On September or on October?
This, if they don't have evidence which would suggest otherwise, proves GFSLEGION begun bullying and people like GFSLEGION, Grummel83, sarahthrel, Hellraiser-89 and spoiled ape without brains on tumblr are only miserable hypocrites who made it look like they are against bullying but actually they aren't against bullying. Only pretends to be against bullying. Whoever is bullying them apparently is giving these miserable hypocrites the taste of their own medicine.

Next I took from this blog http://ignoredfacts.blogspot.com/
Now let's go to what GFSLEGION has said
Actually your dumb boyfriend Grummel83 is blaming only others you stupid mole GFSLEGION! And what the hell? Only GFSLEGION has rights to say she's victim? The real assholes here are GFSLEGION and Grummel83 who are the ones who blames only others and not just that. Everything will be explained. If SinRedemption would really have spied and stalked GFSLEGION then GFSLEGION would've showed evidence but there's no evidence about SinRedemption's spying and stalking during their friendship because she didn't spied and stalked anybody. Just looked on GFSLEGION's art very often.
Actually GFSLEGION is the one who twists everything and manipulates with other people to make herself look innocent. And there are things you can't asses about people like SinRedemption either yet you did that GFSLEGION. GFSLEGION can't asses about SinRedemption's intentions, feelings and other things like that but it didn't stopped GFSLEGION to do it.
Obviously GFSLEGION's thinking is screwed up because nobody was making GFSLEGION responsible for SinRedemption's life. Yeah there really is a lot wrong with GFSLEGION like making bad mood look like disaster, saying she doesn't expect anything in return but GFSLEGION does expect something in return like to have good mood always and ass kissing. GFSLEGION and Grummel83 aren't real friends because they can't handle even that much as bad mood sometimes!
Never insulted? Check out who's lying! Sick, poem bullshit, asshole, voice is burden are insults not a critique!
Bullshit! You expected ass kissing like sarahthrel does it in her pathetic manners.
This pathetically stupid ass kisser didn't knew SinRedemption, GFSLEGION and Grummel83 but without bothering to ask GFSLEGION and Grummel83 to prove how much of what they say is true she took their side because she has benefits from kissing their ass like she can visit GFSLEGION's profile as much as she wants while someone who doesn't kiss GFSLEGION's pathetic ass will be a spy and stalker.
Ass kissers like sarahthrel and Hellraiser-89 can write to GFSLEGION
notes as much as they want and that's okay but if someone who doesn't
kiss ass will write notes then it won't be okay.
This pathetically naive idiot forgot to ask GFSLEGION to prove if what
GFSLEGION says about SinRedemption is true because he's such a pathetic
naive brainless idiot who thinks his friends will always tell him truth.
And no matter what people with disabilities will say it will be only
excuse to GFSLEGION and pay attention to this note carefully! It proves
SinRedemption didn't blamed others like GFSLEGION and Grummel83 says.
This group as you can see is meant for people like SinRedemption not for people like GFSLEGION who bullies them.
Why then GFSLEGION isn't uploading more notes? That's because GFSLEGION
realized it would only prove GFSLEGION has lied! SinRedemption didn't
freaked out always but sometimes and you are idiots if you believe
SinRedemption wanted to control GFSLEGION and Grummel83! Only
SinRedemption herself knows what she really wanted and what not besides
nobody can't be controlled on the internet. To do that you need to know
something that can help you control people and SinRedemption knew
nothing which she could use to control GFSLEGION and Grummel83. They
blame her for their own inability to say no.
And here's the note which proves GFSLEGION revenged about all times SinRedemption made mistakes.
In short insults from GFSLEGION, making everything into excuses,
behaving like GFSLEGION knows better about SinRedemption's feelings and
intentions, making bad mood look like disaster, forgetting all good
SinRedemption did, revenging for all mistakes SinRedemption made, making
it look like SinRedemption was always bad when she wasn't bad always
and calling SinRedemption spy and stalker just because she looked on
GFSLEGION's art very often is abuse and bullying!
Why this all is ignored? Because so many people (especially on deviantART) are brainless, retarded ass kissing idiots who's thinking is degraded beyond any critique!
Additional fact
Don't blame SinRedemption that these things you did for her are now wasted time.
Because it's GFSLEGION's own fault. GFSLEGION was the one who made bad
mood look like the worst crime human can do, caused stress to
SinRedemption by doing so which lead to fact this provoked SinRedemption
to send many apology notes. Don't lie GFSLEGION! You wanted
SinRedemption to say how awesome you are in very pathetic ass kissing
manners like sarahthrel does now. The fact that GFSLEGION tells people
SinRedemption never listened also proves despite that GFSLEGION can't
asses about SinRedemption's feelings, intentions and other things it
didn't stopped GFSLEGION to do it.
And here are GFSLEGION's words which proves GFSLEGION kicked SinRedemption out from friends list which is why this part about wasted time is GFSLEGION's own fault! Check out who's really blaming others!
Other additional facts.
What are you trying to prove with this tumblr moron?
How disabilities are reviewed in Latvia? How many people had disabilities during 2013? Congratulations! You proved it! But this doesn't prove who has and who doesn't have disability you brainless moron!
With effect from 1 January next year, is likely to come into force on the order of that future disability and loss of ability to work will be based on the International functioning, disability and health classification of the principles laid down.
They determined that take into account not only health problems but also generated activities and operating restrictions.
This means that people from 18 years up to the country reaching the retirement age will assess the functioning of the restrictions and the degree of determination of disability groups, as well as loss of ability to work as a percentage, shall inform the Ministry of Welfare (MoW) Communication Division Marika KupĨe. By country reaching the retirement age will also review the functioning of limits and the degree of determination of disability groups.
The improved disability determination system does not change the disability groupings. They will remain as before, that is to say, I invalidity group - a very severe disability (loss of ability of 80 - 100%), II disability group - severe disability (loss of ability is 60 - 79% of total), III disability group - moderate disability ( loss of ability to have 25-59% of).
People with a disability up to 31 December 2014, repeated disability examination will be carried out only after expiry of the period of disability. People with disabilities is set for life, it will not be reviewed.
It is also planned that the predictable disability, disability and work capacity examination based on the free will of human presence. It provides that a person will have to appear in person only if the Health and Work Expert Physicians Commission (HLCEDC) will not have sufficient information or it will be controversial. Currently, disability expertise largely carried out by the human presence.
People with a disability up to 31 December 2014, repeated disability examination will be carried out only after expiry of the period of disability. People with disabilities is set for life, it will not be reviewed.
Expected disability, disability and work capacity loss detection criteria, deadlines and arrangements have yet to be coordinated with the ministries and approved by the government.
HLCEDC According to the data of 2013, there were 161,483 people with disabilities, t. see. 7718 children with disabilities.
And when tumblr moron said sitting on disability money or unemployment benefit did the tumblr moron checked how much people with disabilities or those who are unemployed are receiving in Latvia mmm? No, tumblr moron didn't.
Maybe in the United Kingdom and in Germany with disability money you can live alone but not in Latvia. In Latvia disability money isn't huge and you can't live alone with it. You could live alone only if you would receive unemployment benefit but SinRedemption didn't received it.
And what you trying to say with this tumblr moron? That words thank you isn't enough? That SinRedemption should've kissed GFSLEGION's ass in that pathetic way as sarahthrel (sarah) does? Well congratulations! With this you proved what we have said is true! GFSLEGION is "hurt" because SinRedemption didn't kissed GFSLEGION's ass but simply said thank you which also proves spoiled brat is GFSLEGION and ass kissing idiots like sarahthrel, Hellraiser-89, Grummel83 and you tumblr moron! Why? Because you try to tell us it's sick to be in bad mood, overreact, worry and make false assumptions sometimes and that friendship is just about you have to have good mood always and kiss ass of your "friends"!
I’m sorry but if my friends did what GFS did for you, I would singing her praises not throwing it back in her face. What more do you want from her? Jeez those memberships and games aren’t cheap!! Grow up, stop being a spoilt brat and actually be grateful for once!! Now I know why you’re doing this, GFS gave you stuff you couldn’t get normally an when she cut you off, you blew a gasket!!!!
Well idiots! Just because someone bought core membership doesn't mean he's good friend. That could've been done for bad purpose too.
GFSLEGION and Grummel83 coudln't stand SinRedemption's humanity and were pissed off SinRedemption dared to not accept their bullshit that friendship is just about singing praises, being always in good mood, saying what friends want to hear instead of truth and kissing ass so they kicked out SinRedemption and found pathetically stupid ass kisser sarahthrel (sarah)
I thought GFSLEGION, Grummel83, sarahthrel, Hellraiser-89 and tumblr moron are against bullying but in truth they are bullies and hypocrites who are fooling other people, trying to tell them it's sick sometimes to worry, overreact, freak out and make false assumptions when it's just wrong but that happens with every normal human once in a while. Then they try to tell people friendship is just about singing praises, being always in good mood, saying what friends want to hear instead of truth and kissing ass!
They are the ones who are sick, brainless moronic idiots full with bullshit with which they managed to convince idiots their bullshit is true.
You know why actually more than 6 months police hasn't knocked on our door? Because brainless, sick moronic GFSLEGION's and her brainless, sick moronic friends evidence isn't evidence but BULLSHIT OF THE CENTURY!!!
These moronic idiots don't have any evidence and any part they say about police is just for making their bullshit of the century look more convincingly and believable!
Accusations we are the bullies just because someone somewhere used some of the words me and my colleagues have said here on blog are one of the most ridicilous bullshits I've heard in my life!
And we already see how morons can't stand the truth! :D :D We warned you GFSLEGION isn't saying truth! You didn't listened so it's your own fault!
Please continue to prove us we said truth with your comments, which are full with hate and insults towards us! :D :D :D :D
And I don't know what GFSLEGION wanted to prove with the notes she posted on her bullshit blog but the only thing these notes proves is what we say not what GFSLEGION is saying.
SinRedemption has friends but when GFSLEGION says SinRedemption doesn't have friends it just proves GFSLEGION is a poor lying asshole who only pretends to be as friend and really listens only to those who are kissing GFSLEGION's poor ass!
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