But there are always assholes like GFSLEGION, sarahthrel, Hellraiser-89, Grummel83 and tumblr moron who will find ANY way how to bully people with disabilities and how to abuse every young adult who tries to get in job system.
They could be good people and help to make this world become so much better but they CHOOSE to be assholes who are looking for ANY excuses and reasons how to bully people with disabilities and how to abuse every young adult who tries to get in job system!
They are good people you say? Ha-ha! Bullies always will be good to those who support their bullying and opinion!
And now GFSLEGION and her retarded brainless friends have polluted internet with their bullshit and everyone like hungry primitive obeys their opinion and thinks it's very social to bully people with disabilities and to abuse young adults who tries to get in job system!
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Pathological Stupidity And Self Righteousness
Instead of being reasonable and thinking about every possibility they ignore how GFSLEGION lies to them, comes up with new bullshit of the century about SinRedemption because they are like somebody said pathological idiots and not just pathological idiots. They are also pathologically self-righteous assholes who will always try to tell they know everything better than others!
The tumblr moron is so pathological idiot that tumblr moron hasn't realized his behavior is like the one Nazi's showed towards Jews (I apologize for being insensitive) which proves all that Nazi things were true about tumblr moron and tumblr moron's friends.
Tumblr moron with GFSLEGION's help imposes (they say they don't do it but they are doing it) their opinion everything is and has to be as these morons are saying.
But it's not my fault they are so brainless retarded idiots who will understand what we said if they will understand it only much later realizing they were just GFSLEGION's butlers and nothing else.
Will you ever stop lying about SinRedemption tumblr moron? Ooops I forgot tumblr moron is brainless retarded lying asshole who will look for excuses how to bully people with disabilities and how to abuse every young adult who's trying to get in job system.
Think about this before you abuse young adults who try to get in job system tumblr moron!
While tumblr moron will support people who has job experience but doesn't receive appropriate salary tumblr moron will continue to abuse every young adult who tries to get in job system.
Tumblr moron most likely is thinking fairy is paying for young adult higher education.
When you are looking for a job in Latvia one of the conditions is you have to have higher education but higher education costs money. It costs about 1000-1500 euro in a year. and if you have to study more than one year then calculate yourselves how much it costs.
If young adults don't get in so called budget group then let's be honest it's their parents most of the time who pays for their higher education but if their parents can't afford to pay for higher education then young adults have to take a small job which they can do after studies. They also have to take a credit from a bank because they don't have other choice if they wish to have a chance to get well paid job in the future.
You think bank will wait when young adults will prove themselves in a job and will receive appropriate salary so that young adults can pay for everything they need to pay for? Fat chance! Bank will eat them alive when bank will have a chance and that's one of the reasons why so many young adults who could run away from Latvia to other countries. Working there they can live humane life, pay for their basic needs, repay the loan and even send a money to their parents or other relatives in Latvia which they couldn't do in Latvia or would be able to do in Latvia when they would be very close to retirement age. Of course all that they can do because of the hard work they have done but that's what tumblr moron doesn't understand. Hard work which young adults are doing in other countries is appreciated while the job system in Latvia is abusing young adults (not all but many) who tries to get in job system and works hard!
There's always a chance to not take a credit from bank but if you won't have higher education then there's a very small chance you'll get well paid job in Latvia.
Tumblr moron's blog is an exhibit A how to abuse people with disabilities and young adults who try to get in job system!
The tumblr moron is so pathological idiot that tumblr moron hasn't realized his behavior is like the one Nazi's showed towards Jews (I apologize for being insensitive) which proves all that Nazi things were true about tumblr moron and tumblr moron's friends.
Tumblr moron with GFSLEGION's help imposes (they say they don't do it but they are doing it) their opinion everything is and has to be as these morons are saying.
But it's not my fault they are so brainless retarded idiots who will understand what we said if they will understand it only much later realizing they were just GFSLEGION's butlers and nothing else.
Will you ever stop lying about SinRedemption tumblr moron? Ooops I forgot tumblr moron is brainless retarded lying asshole who will look for excuses how to bully people with disabilities and how to abuse every young adult who's trying to get in job system.
Think about this before you abuse young adults who try to get in job system tumblr moron!
While tumblr moron will support people who has job experience but doesn't receive appropriate salary tumblr moron will continue to abuse every young adult who tries to get in job system.
Tumblr moron most likely is thinking fairy is paying for young adult higher education.
When you are looking for a job in Latvia one of the conditions is you have to have higher education but higher education costs money. It costs about 1000-1500 euro in a year. and if you have to study more than one year then calculate yourselves how much it costs.
If young adults don't get in so called budget group then let's be honest it's their parents most of the time who pays for their higher education but if their parents can't afford to pay for higher education then young adults have to take a small job which they can do after studies. They also have to take a credit from a bank because they don't have other choice if they wish to have a chance to get well paid job in the future.
You think bank will wait when young adults will prove themselves in a job and will receive appropriate salary so that young adults can pay for everything they need to pay for? Fat chance! Bank will eat them alive when bank will have a chance and that's one of the reasons why so many young adults who could run away from Latvia to other countries. Working there they can live humane life, pay for their basic needs, repay the loan and even send a money to their parents or other relatives in Latvia which they couldn't do in Latvia or would be able to do in Latvia when they would be very close to retirement age. Of course all that they can do because of the hard work they have done but that's what tumblr moron doesn't understand. Hard work which young adults are doing in other countries is appreciated while the job system in Latvia is abusing young adults (not all but many) who tries to get in job system and works hard!
There's always a chance to not take a credit from bank but if you won't have higher education then there's a very small chance you'll get well paid job in Latvia.
Tumblr moron's blog is an exhibit A how to abuse people with disabilities and young adults who try to get in job system!
Think About This Morons!
It means GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and their friends are just looking for reasons how to give up on someone while true friend like SinRedemption would've looked for reasons to hold on! But retarded idiots will never understand it!
If SinRedemption would've been in GFSLEGION's place and GFSLEGION in SinRedemption's place SinRedemption would've looked for reasons to hold on GFSLEGION not for reasons to give up on GFSLEGION!
Quotes Which Are True About GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and Few Of Their Friends
Very true because they only hear what they want to hear not what really has been said.
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Tumblr Moronity Must Go On
And tumblr moron has delusion me and my friends are SinRedemption because moron can't stand somebody is disagreeing with moron. :D : D :D :D
Moron has lost ability to think! She told us everything about what happened before her death and questions you were asking can also answer someone who knows her well enough and someone to who she has told everything about this. In your questions there was nothing that we couldn't answer and I fear you haven't read the answers or you don't understand them because what you can understand is just your bullshit!
The tumblr moron proved this part of the blog about deviantNaziGossipPropagandaArt to be true.
From 2015 until now our Führer Trixi and some of our Führer's most passionate worshipers are telling people in their Nazi propaganda style people with diseases and illness should be forbidden to make mistakes and shouldn't have rights to do anything because in our Führer's Trixi's eyes and our Führer's most passionate worshipers eyes people with diseases and illness are only subhumans and they think this is how everybody should treat everyone with diseases and illness.
Tumblr moron just called us all subhumans because we defend someone like SinRedemption who has disability!
This part you can find here http://deviantnazigossippropagandart.blogspot.com/
So you see they bully people with disabilities and behave like Nazi's!
We are against these retarded assholes like tumblr moron who are looking for excuses how to support slavery, bully people with disabilities and to abuse young adults (who are trying to get in job system) by not paying appropriate salary and making them work like slaves for ridiculous salary and ridiculous conditions.
All this is almost complete and utter BULLSHIT! You can see the tumblr moron is supporting slavery. Tumblr moron thinks every young adult who doesn't have much of a job experience should be working as a slave for a ridiculous unstable salary which could cover travel expenses at best and tumblr moron thinks they should also work even if this job's conditions can result you might get an occupational disease! This what tumblr moron said is another abuse about disability. Tumblr moron is still looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities making them feel miserable there are works they can't do when truth is it's not just they can't do but also there are works they shouldn't do if they don't want new health problems in addition to current ones.
Think about it! It's a shift job in which you have to be everything in one person, almost 8-12 hours have to stand and you can sit and rest only at lunch break because most of the time you have to serve customers and do other things duties says you have to do, there's a possibility you will have to work in your holiday.
As thanks for this you get ridiculous unstable 100-300 euro salary (which doesn't allow you to live alone in your own apartment) and you might get an occupational disease because of doing this job but if you are already with disabilities then in addition to current health problems you might get new ones.
Sure tumblr moron is right at some points. If you don't have much of an experience then you can't ask for 1000 euro salary without proving yourself but there was a question before. How come there are countries were people like SinRedemption who doesn't have much of a job experience receives minimal salary which covers basic expenses and allows them to live alone while in Latvia people like her are forced to take two jobs if they wish to live alone?
Well...I'll give credit to GFSLEGION for being brave and posting all that bullshit without hiding behind someone's name while tumblr moron is a poor coward who posts all that bullshit hiding behind SinRedemption's name.
Let me guess your lying friend GFSLEGION has been pissed off we are saying truth that you have come up with next bullshit?! You retarded morons can't even notice how much she lies to you all because you are retarded brainless idiots!
GFSLEGION, Hellraiser-89, sarahthrel, Grummel83 and you are insane because whenever there's harassment you tell people it's SinRedemption yet the only thing you have is your damn suspicion and nothing else and our said words you spin for your own good and mixing them up with your lies.
And if the case would've been cracked already I'm sure last things which I saw on deviantART through my sources wouldn't have happened so you're just saying bullshit once again!
Oi, oi, oi! It's okay to call someone burden just because someone had a bad mood and apologized but not okay when someone called her majesty GFSLEGION as Nazi? Whining spoiled morons!
"Even better!" She didn't had any problems with Hellraiser-89 and sarahthrel she didn't knew at all and these two already declares her an enemy. It just proves they are GFSLEGION's and Grummel83's ass kissers. No surprise at all why she kicked Hellraiser-89 out from her friends list!
Then why nobody knocks on our door if we are so guilty as you say? Because you said bullshit again!
How can you not be good or even great friends when you all five are looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities?
Are you trying to say bullying people with disabilities, to use them like toys and throwing them out like toys is the most sane action you can do? Moronic asshole!
And tumblr moron's blog is a great example how to abuse people with disabilities and every young adult who's looking for a job!
Assholes like tumblr moron, GFSLEGION, sarahthrel, Grummel83 and Hellraiser-89 will always look for excuses how to bully people with disabilities and how to abuse every young adult who's looking for a job and wants to work but won't work for conditions from which young adults doesn't have any benefit! These assholes are the ones who are REALLY cruel.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Questions And Answers
Time to answer on questions. I don't think tumblr moron will be pleased to read these answers because these answers isn't what tumblr moron is expecting.
1, How did sin redemption create a duplicate account on devinatart on the 9th April as stated in your blog when she was supposed to be IP banned?
Stupid question. She could've used friend's computer or she could've been somewhere like in internet cafe.
2, why did you say the disability card was Sinredemptions when it was proved to be a generic card taken from the internet?
You are a moron indeed. All these disability cards from the back looks identical. It's the data on the front side which makes them look different.
3, why did you lie in October 2015 on fan fiction.net by saying that Sinredemeption had died?
GFSLEGION said that and you think everything is like she says? :D :D It wasn't me or my colleagues who wrote it and it wasn't SinRedemption too. I don't have an answer who did it. Even if server's location coincided with the location of server which SinRedemption used it doesn't prove it was her.
4, Why did the people who read this blog suddenly get attacked on Deviantart the day after you found this blog considering the blog has been going on for months and they were never attacked before?
Could you specify which people got attacked? I don't know why they got attacked on deviantART.
We have went into attacking mode on some people here on blog because they tell bullshit about SinRedemption.
5 Why are you endorsing the bullying on Devinatart by promoting it on your blog?
We didn't do any harassment on deviantART just posted our opinion about this situation and why should we be nice to someone who has used SinRedemption like a thing and threw her out like a broken toy with defect just because she wasnt like GFSLEGION wanted her to be and then told people all this bullshit? If somebody bullies GFSLEGION then she deserves it!
6 How do you know what GFSLegion and her friends have been sent considering you have no knowledge of the abuse on Devinatart?
We have sources which provided few things about what happened on deviantART which were abusing GFSLEGION. Just like GFSLEGION provides you her stuff.
7, if you claim to be abused and that GFS is lying to you today, why are you not showing any recent screenshots of the abuse and the lies?
Are you a frickin mole?! There is evidence but obviously that doesn't count because it's too old for you! All that bullshit GFSLEGION and Grummel83 has said to people about SinRedemption is just disinformation and abuse. Your blog is one big abuse about her disability too!
8, How can you account for EVERY Devinatart account and FF.net account created that has been used to attack GFSlegion and her friends has been proved to come from Riga Latvia via google analytics and that happens to be in the very same city as Rita?
We haven't accounted every deviantART account and FF.net account which was used to attack GFSLEGION and her friends besides GFSLEGION provides this account list on her blog and fanfiction.net page.
Good one! :D :D :D :D GFSLEGION has lied to you! SinRedemption NEVER said to GFSLEGION or anyone else on deviantART where she lived. That what you see is just server's location which doesn't prove where someone lives.
9, When the express your hatred group was attacked, how was it that GFSlegion, Hellraiiser Grummel and Sarahthrel and anyone else who supported GFSlegion was kicked off the site. why were they specifically targeted when no one had any issues with them but Rita?
Let's be clear. Rita had issues with GFSLEGION and Grummel83. She didn't had any issues with Hellraiser-89 and sarahthrel. Whoever attacked to Hellraiser-89 and sarahthrel wasn't her.
You see if that would've been her then GFSLEGION and Grummel83 would be the only ones to who she's attacking. She doesn't attack to people with who she doesn't have issues.
10, Back on that subject, it took GFS to speak to Rita who gave access to the site. How did Rita know that the site was compromised? How did Rita manage to give access back to the admins considering she was banned?
Can't answer you on this. I don't know if it even was Rita and I doubt it was Rita. Rita doesn't know how to hack. If she would've any knowledge about hacking then you would've read about failed or successful attempts to hack and deactivate GFSLEGION's and Grummel83's accounts not about hacking some groups. You see when all this goes in public there's no problem for someone do something like impersonation. Why would someone do such a thing? Oh I don't know. Maybe someone out there wants Rita to look very bad for some I don't know what reason.
11, why you were upset that GFS got the credit for getting the site back?
How would you feel when you would be the one who's giving them their site back but credit for it goes to someone else? :-/
12, how can you account for the hundreds of screenshots appearing on your blog of the abuse sometimes minutes after it appears? how would you know that the abuse was there unless you were actively looking for it which means you lied about being on Devinatart, or you wrote it and posted it on the blog afterwards.
:D :D :D :D You must have hallucinations. There aren't hundreds of screenshots which appeared on blog after abuse. Check the list of accounts from which GFSLEGION got attacking messages and then check our blog. We have about 10 screenshots maybe a bit more or less but not hundreds and not from every account. Just like you have GFSLEGION who provides you her stuff we have our sources which provided us these screenshots and those which appeared minutes after was just coincidence. One of our sources was online at the same time when abusive stuff were posted but we posted it much later here on blog. You think you're the only one who can have sources which gives you stuff about abuse on deviantART?
I know you were expecting something else but these are the answers you will get.
1, How did sin redemption create a duplicate account on devinatart on the 9th April as stated in your blog when she was supposed to be IP banned?
Stupid question. She could've used friend's computer or she could've been somewhere like in internet cafe.
2, why did you say the disability card was Sinredemptions when it was proved to be a generic card taken from the internet?
You are a moron indeed. All these disability cards from the back looks identical. It's the data on the front side which makes them look different.
3, why did you lie in October 2015 on fan fiction.net by saying that Sinredemeption had died?
GFSLEGION said that and you think everything is like she says? :D :D It wasn't me or my colleagues who wrote it and it wasn't SinRedemption too. I don't have an answer who did it. Even if server's location coincided with the location of server which SinRedemption used it doesn't prove it was her.
4, Why did the people who read this blog suddenly get attacked on Deviantart the day after you found this blog considering the blog has been going on for months and they were never attacked before?
Could you specify which people got attacked? I don't know why they got attacked on deviantART.
We have went into attacking mode on some people here on blog because they tell bullshit about SinRedemption.
5 Why are you endorsing the bullying on Devinatart by promoting it on your blog?
We didn't do any harassment on deviantART just posted our opinion about this situation and why should we be nice to someone who has used SinRedemption like a thing and threw her out like a broken toy with defect just because she wasnt like GFSLEGION wanted her to be and then told people all this bullshit? If somebody bullies GFSLEGION then she deserves it!
6 How do you know what GFSLegion and her friends have been sent considering you have no knowledge of the abuse on Devinatart?
We have sources which provided few things about what happened on deviantART which were abusing GFSLEGION. Just like GFSLEGION provides you her stuff.
7, if you claim to be abused and that GFS is lying to you today, why are you not showing any recent screenshots of the abuse and the lies?
Are you a frickin mole?! There is evidence but obviously that doesn't count because it's too old for you! All that bullshit GFSLEGION and Grummel83 has said to people about SinRedemption is just disinformation and abuse. Your blog is one big abuse about her disability too!
8, How can you account for EVERY Devinatart account and FF.net account created that has been used to attack GFSlegion and her friends has been proved to come from Riga Latvia via google analytics and that happens to be in the very same city as Rita?
We haven't accounted every deviantART account and FF.net account which was used to attack GFSLEGION and her friends besides GFSLEGION provides this account list on her blog and fanfiction.net page.
Good one! :D :D :D :D GFSLEGION has lied to you! SinRedemption NEVER said to GFSLEGION or anyone else on deviantART where she lived. That what you see is just server's location which doesn't prove where someone lives.
9, When the express your hatred group was attacked, how was it that GFSlegion, Hellraiiser Grummel and Sarahthrel and anyone else who supported GFSlegion was kicked off the site. why were they specifically targeted when no one had any issues with them but Rita?
Let's be clear. Rita had issues with GFSLEGION and Grummel83. She didn't had any issues with Hellraiser-89 and sarahthrel. Whoever attacked to Hellraiser-89 and sarahthrel wasn't her.
You see if that would've been her then GFSLEGION and Grummel83 would be the only ones to who she's attacking. She doesn't attack to people with who she doesn't have issues.
10, Back on that subject, it took GFS to speak to Rita who gave access to the site. How did Rita know that the site was compromised? How did Rita manage to give access back to the admins considering she was banned?
Can't answer you on this. I don't know if it even was Rita and I doubt it was Rita. Rita doesn't know how to hack. If she would've any knowledge about hacking then you would've read about failed or successful attempts to hack and deactivate GFSLEGION's and Grummel83's accounts not about hacking some groups. You see when all this goes in public there's no problem for someone do something like impersonation. Why would someone do such a thing? Oh I don't know. Maybe someone out there wants Rita to look very bad for some I don't know what reason.
11, why you were upset that GFS got the credit for getting the site back?
How would you feel when you would be the one who's giving them their site back but credit for it goes to someone else? :-/
12, how can you account for the hundreds of screenshots appearing on your blog of the abuse sometimes minutes after it appears? how would you know that the abuse was there unless you were actively looking for it which means you lied about being on Devinatart, or you wrote it and posted it on the blog afterwards.
:D :D :D :D You must have hallucinations. There aren't hundreds of screenshots which appeared on blog after abuse. Check the list of accounts from which GFSLEGION got attacking messages and then check our blog. We have about 10 screenshots maybe a bit more or less but not hundreds and not from every account. Just like you have GFSLEGION who provides you her stuff we have our sources which provided us these screenshots and those which appeared minutes after was just coincidence. One of our sources was online at the same time when abusive stuff were posted but we posted it much later here on blog. You think you're the only one who can have sources which gives you stuff about abuse on deviantART?
I know you were expecting something else but these are the answers you will get.
Got to "love" those moments when idiots like tumblr moron says SinRedemption made herself look like liar when it's morons like him and GFSLEGION who told brainless fools this bullshit about her and made her look like liar! Nice you know which server was used during harassment but it's not enough as evidence. That's why we need investigation which police are doing and that's why it takes so long for police + this is international case which makes it harder.
Let's examine the some facts.
SinRedemption isn't always in good mood, sometimes she overreacted, sometimes was simply in bad mood and there comes two times when she possibly was jealous but I said possibly because there's no evidence about her jealousy just rumors and her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION has this tendency to see what never was there. One time she overreacts in their friendship about not answering on messages and that royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION takes as spying and controlling. Riiight. What then I should say about people who overreact every fifth day when I don't answer on their messages immediately? I have to deal with such people because I don't have other choice while her royally spoiled majesty is whining about one time when SinRedemption has overreacted about not answering on her messages immediately. Then who would've thought it can be taken as controlling when you want to say something short because you fear you could forget it next time at the moment when your friend has to go. This is her royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's tendency to see what's not there. People with disabilities who are coming to royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's profile very often to see her art are stalkers. Helloooo! It's an art site! Are you trying to say people with disabilities doesn't have rights to see her royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's art? That just ass kissers and flatterers like sarahthrel has these rights to do so?
This is forgiven but then one day SinRedemption is in bad mood and since there wasn't immediate improvements her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION revenged SinRedemption for every mistake she has made and bullied her because of her difference. SinRedemption was leaving her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION alone just fine but her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION managed to provoke SinRedemption's apology wave with her notes she sent to SinRedemption!
Now her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION very good has fooled all people telling SinRedemption wasn't leaving her alone when all what SinRedemption did was submitted her art and GFSLEGION actually was the one who didn't left SinRedemption alone provoking apology wave which SinRedemption sent to GFSLEGION later.
Why you even forgive mistakes if this is what you do because of bad mood?
Because her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION is such a whiner who can't stand something's not happening as her royally spoiled majesty wants and it's her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION who wants to control people here not SinRedemption as her royally spoiled majesty was saying to all these brainless idiots!
Let's examine the some facts.
SinRedemption isn't always in good mood, sometimes she overreacted, sometimes was simply in bad mood and there comes two times when she possibly was jealous but I said possibly because there's no evidence about her jealousy just rumors and her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION has this tendency to see what never was there. One time she overreacts in their friendship about not answering on messages and that royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION takes as spying and controlling. Riiight. What then I should say about people who overreact every fifth day when I don't answer on their messages immediately? I have to deal with such people because I don't have other choice while her royally spoiled majesty is whining about one time when SinRedemption has overreacted about not answering on her messages immediately. Then who would've thought it can be taken as controlling when you want to say something short because you fear you could forget it next time at the moment when your friend has to go. This is her royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's tendency to see what's not there. People with disabilities who are coming to royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's profile very often to see her art are stalkers. Helloooo! It's an art site! Are you trying to say people with disabilities doesn't have rights to see her royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's art? That just ass kissers and flatterers like sarahthrel has these rights to do so?
This is forgiven but then one day SinRedemption is in bad mood and since there wasn't immediate improvements her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION revenged SinRedemption for every mistake she has made and bullied her because of her difference. SinRedemption was leaving her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION alone just fine but her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION managed to provoke SinRedemption's apology wave with her notes she sent to SinRedemption!
Now her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION very good has fooled all people telling SinRedemption wasn't leaving her alone when all what SinRedemption did was submitted her art and GFSLEGION actually was the one who didn't left SinRedemption alone provoking apology wave which SinRedemption sent to GFSLEGION later.
Why you even forgive mistakes if this is what you do because of bad mood?
Because her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION is such a whiner who can't stand something's not happening as her royally spoiled majesty wants and it's her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION who wants to control people here not SinRedemption as her royally spoiled majesty was saying to all these brainless idiots!
This Deserves Promotion Here Because It's True
I decided to promote something because it's truth.
Welcome, welcome folks. If you wish to spread your propaganda or gossips about someone then deviantART which I like to call deviantNaziGossipPropagandaART is the best place on the internet. All you have to do is to get magic wand google analytics tool to spread your gossips and propaganda on other sites too and almost everybody will believe your gossips and propaganda. More effectively your propaganda and gossips will work if you will spread all this about someone who has disease or illness because so many people are Nazi dummies who has forgotten to turn on their brain or maybe they never had brain. Whatever. This isn't about who has and who doesn't have brain but about how easily and effectively you can spread your gossips and propaganda on deviantART.
Today let's take a closer look on our Führer's Nazi propaganda and how her Nazi dummies are tricked with Nazi gossips and propaganda.
Fanfiction.net where our Führer Trixi Adolfine Hitler can be found as Lord of comms but I like to call our Führer as Lord of Nazi. Magic wand google analytics tool showed somebody did harssment from Latvia's city Riga and Nazi dummies thinks it's SinRedemption because our Führer says so. Somehow our Führer have managed to trick many dummies and convinced them this is evidence where somebody's living. Muahahaha! Dummies! You there who believes our Führer's Nazi gossip propaganda are like gossiping old ladies who has nothing better to do than tell gossips about someone without paying attention if this is even true. I can be on the other side of my country and use a server which isn't close to my location. I can't believe how less you need to do in these days to trick so many people.
Next is our Führer's blog. Eee what? Magic wand google analytics tool again has showed somebody did harassment from Latvia's city Riga and because of it SinRedemption is guilty. I assume they spread this Nazi gossip propaganda because she was using server which is in Riga which GFSLEGION could see because of her magic wand google analytics tool while they were friends. Muahahaha! Our Führer and her Nazi dummies says it as if she's the only citizen who lives there if she even lives there. That location isn't evidence of where somebody lives but where ISP's server is located.
Then there's also a bunch of journals from our Führer and her Nazi dummies about SinRedemption but all this bunch of journals about SinRedemption has just two justifications. First one disagreement with our Führer Trixi and the second is all these bunch of journals about SinRedemption are wrote in Nazi gossip propaganda style because our Führer Trixi says this is the one and only truth which Nazi dummies are accepting because they forgot to turn on their brain.
The last but not least is tumblr blog about SinRedemption. Aaaaa first time in my life I see such shit! Another Nazi gossip propaganda page with the same two justifications SinRedemption's disagreement with our Führer Trixi and because our FührerTrixi says so it must be so.
The short list of Nazi dummies who forgot to turn on their brain and behaves like old gossiping ladies will be the last thing I'll post....for now.
Grummel83, Hellraiser-89, sarahthrel, Midnight-Designed, Elchanan, Reiko-Himezono-Lirka, pm58790
This list of Nazi dummies who forgot to turn on their brain and behaves like old gossiping ladies are much longer but I fear I won't have enough space on this blog to credit every Nazi dummy.
Welcome, welcome folks. If you wish to spread your propaganda or gossips about someone then deviantART which I like to call deviantNaziGossipPropagandaART is the best place on the internet. All you have to do is to get magic wand google analytics tool to spread your gossips and propaganda on other sites too and almost everybody will believe your gossips and propaganda. More effectively your propaganda and gossips will work if you will spread all this about someone who has disease or illness because so many people are Nazi dummies who has forgotten to turn on their brain or maybe they never had brain. Whatever. This isn't about who has and who doesn't have brain but about how easily and effectively you can spread your gossips and propaganda on deviantART.
Today let's take a closer look on our Führer's Nazi propaganda and how her Nazi dummies are tricked with Nazi gossips and propaganda.
Fanfiction.net where our Führer Trixi Adolfine Hitler can be found as Lord of comms but I like to call our Führer as Lord of Nazi. Magic wand google analytics tool showed somebody did harssment from Latvia's city Riga and Nazi dummies thinks it's SinRedemption because our Führer says so. Somehow our Führer have managed to trick many dummies and convinced them this is evidence where somebody's living. Muahahaha! Dummies! You there who believes our Führer's Nazi gossip propaganda are like gossiping old ladies who has nothing better to do than tell gossips about someone without paying attention if this is even true. I can be on the other side of my country and use a server which isn't close to my location. I can't believe how less you need to do in these days to trick so many people.
Next is our Führer's blog. Eee what? Magic wand google analytics tool again has showed somebody did harassment from Latvia's city Riga and because of it SinRedemption is guilty. I assume they spread this Nazi gossip propaganda because she was using server which is in Riga which GFSLEGION could see because of her magic wand google analytics tool while they were friends. Muahahaha! Our Führer and her Nazi dummies says it as if she's the only citizen who lives there if she even lives there. That location isn't evidence of where somebody lives but where ISP's server is located.
Then there's also a bunch of journals from our Führer and her Nazi dummies about SinRedemption but all this bunch of journals about SinRedemption has just two justifications. First one disagreement with our Führer Trixi and the second is all these bunch of journals about SinRedemption are wrote in Nazi gossip propaganda style because our Führer Trixi says this is the one and only truth which Nazi dummies are accepting because they forgot to turn on their brain.
The last but not least is tumblr blog about SinRedemption. Aaaaa first time in my life I see such shit! Another Nazi gossip propaganda page with the same two justifications SinRedemption's disagreement with our Führer Trixi and because our FührerTrixi says so it must be so.
The short list of Nazi dummies who forgot to turn on their brain and behaves like old gossiping ladies will be the last thing I'll post....for now.
Grummel83, Hellraiser-89, sarahthrel, Midnight-Designed, Elchanan, Reiko-Himezono-Lirka, pm58790
This list of Nazi dummies who forgot to turn on their brain and behaves like old gossiping ladies are much longer but I fear I won't have enough space on this blog to credit every Nazi dummy.
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Employer-Asshole Is Tumblr Moron
It's not like she hasn't worked at all. But now you show what an asshole you are tumblr moron towards those who have disabilities and it's obvious as day you don't even know slightly what it means to be someone with disability! It was a shift job in which you have to be everything in one person, work 8-12 hours in a day and it's not like sitting on chair in office. In this job you have to stand most of the time, boss could call you in your holiday to ask you to work, salary is ridiculous and unstable because it changes but doesn't exceed more than 300 euro and if cash register has deficit then you have to cover it from your salary which in the end leaves you with very ridiculous salary which only covers travel expenses at best!
If she would've said no to a job which has better conditions, stable 300 euro salary which doesn't change then I would be with you on this tumblr moron despite that I think 300 euro is ridiculous salary but I'm not with you on this because she said no to a job which wasn't meant for someone like her who has disabilities and because the salary wasn't stable and could change!
If she would've said no to a job which has better conditions, stable 300 euro salary which doesn't change then I would be with you on this tumblr moron despite that I think 300 euro is ridiculous salary but I'm not with you on this because she said no to a job which wasn't meant for someone like her who has disabilities and because the salary wasn't stable and could change!
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Fact Spinning
You spin facts for your own good tumblr moron! GFSLEGION clearly has lied to you about MANY THINGS!
What an "amazing" friend GFSLEGION is who revenges to SinRedemption for all her mistakes just because she had a bad mood and GFSLEGION the royally spoiled princess didn't had always good time with SinRedemption as GFSLEGION the royally spoiled princess wanted, then bullies her because of her disability, throws SinRedemption out like a used thing with a defect and then writes leave me alone. Did GFSLEGION honestly was expecting her bullying won't have consequences? GFSLEGION isn't the goddess she thinks she is. Even her actions have consequences.
I'll agree to someone who's calling GFSLEGION Trixi Adolfine Hitler because GFSLEGION is like a Hitler with an exception this time it's not about Jews but about people with disabilities!!!
It's not a mistake to hurt GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and people like them! It's a mistake to let people like GFSLEGION and Grummel83 in your lives, to be nice to them and to trust them if you have disabilities! Because when they'll hear you have disabilities and you can't be always in good mood as they want it then all good what you've done for them will mean nothing to them because they're ungrateful hypocritical assholes and bullies!!!
Tumblr moron's blog is bullshit of the century.
SinRedemption left GFSLEGION alone. She wrote a poem about difference and then suddenly GFSLEGION left her group. SinRedemption didn't demanded answer just asked why but instead of telling her politely something like I don't have a time to be a co-founder in your group GFSLEGION attacked her calling her poem as poem bullshit which isn't constructive critique friends normally are giving but a critique of an asshole and insulted her which provoked that apology wave SinRedemption was sending! Even if she has said something senseless it's not a crime and good friends don't attack because of that like this asshole GFSLEGION did.
And here's the note you all have seen before. This is what SinRedemption received after saying something senseless. What a nice answer! It looks like GFSLEGION has very serious problems to accept there are people who are different than most people because of disabilities and other things and who can't do everything most people can do.
Oh yeah! People with disabilities who doesn't flatter and doesn't kiss GFSLEGION's royally spoiled ass are stalkers but flatterers and ass kissers like sarahthrel can visit GFSLEGION's profile as much as they want because they have GFSLEGION's exclusive permission to do it. Assholes and jerks!
What an "amazing" friend GFSLEGION is who revenges to SinRedemption for all her mistakes just because she had a bad mood and GFSLEGION the royally spoiled princess didn't had always good time with SinRedemption as GFSLEGION the royally spoiled princess wanted, then bullies her because of her disability, throws SinRedemption out like a used thing with a defect and then writes leave me alone. Did GFSLEGION honestly was expecting her bullying won't have consequences? GFSLEGION isn't the goddess she thinks she is. Even her actions have consequences.
I'll agree to someone who's calling GFSLEGION Trixi Adolfine Hitler because GFSLEGION is like a Hitler with an exception this time it's not about Jews but about people with disabilities!!!
It's not a mistake to hurt GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and people like them! It's a mistake to let people like GFSLEGION and Grummel83 in your lives, to be nice to them and to trust them if you have disabilities! Because when they'll hear you have disabilities and you can't be always in good mood as they want it then all good what you've done for them will mean nothing to them because they're ungrateful hypocritical assholes and bullies!!!
Tumblr moron's blog is bullshit of the century.
SinRedemption left GFSLEGION alone. She wrote a poem about difference and then suddenly GFSLEGION left her group. SinRedemption didn't demanded answer just asked why but instead of telling her politely something like I don't have a time to be a co-founder in your group GFSLEGION attacked her calling her poem as poem bullshit which isn't constructive critique friends normally are giving but a critique of an asshole and insulted her which provoked that apology wave SinRedemption was sending! Even if she has said something senseless it's not a crime and good friends don't attack because of that like this asshole GFSLEGION did.
And here's the note you all have seen before. This is what SinRedemption received after saying something senseless. What a nice answer! It looks like GFSLEGION has very serious problems to accept there are people who are different than most people because of disabilities and other things and who can't do everything most people can do.
Oh yeah! People with disabilities who doesn't flatter and doesn't kiss GFSLEGION's royally spoiled ass are stalkers but flatterers and ass kissers like sarahthrel can visit GFSLEGION's profile as much as they want because they have GFSLEGION's exclusive permission to do it. Assholes and jerks!

Friday, 13 May 2016
Unbelievable Jerk Is Tumblr Moron
No wonder why GFSLEGION says you are a great friend. You both are incredible assholes who're telling bullshit about everyone who's disagreeing with you because you in your self-righteous arrogance can't stand when someone dares to disagree with you the mighty masters of the universe who regards their opinion as ultimate truth everyone should accept. And you all have been fooled with GFSLEGION's bullshit google analytics proves where someone lives. It doesn't prove it! It just shows ISP's server's location so no wonder why you believe GFSLEGION's bullshit!
Because you all are big fools and GFSLEGION has very good fooled you all!
As much as I know they're pissed off when assholes like you are looking for excuses how to not pay appropriate salary because if you would be paying appropriate salary then assholes like you won't be able to drive around and brag with the new BMW or other exclusive car you can exclusively use because of your job or something like that!
The number of migrated people wouldn't be about 200 000 people but much less if assholes like you wouldn't look for excuses how to pay ridiculous salary while there are countries where employers have much better attitude than yours.
No, jerk it's called slavery and it's not normal when you have to work in 2 work places because salary from one work place doesn't cover basic expenses. This is your admission you want people to work like slaves for a ridiculous salary!
Hard work is when you work 8-12 hours in a day for appropriate salary which covers your basic expenses and slavery is when you have to work 8-12 in a day for a ridiculous salary which doesn't cover your basic expenses and because of it you need second job if you wish to live alone in your own apartment.
How come there are countries where one job's minimal salary covers basic expenses while in Latvia you have to work in 2 workplaces if you wish to live alone?! Answer is because of assholes like you tumblr moron!
There's a difference when you directly call someone like Nazi for example and when you post things in which someone else calls them Nazi tumblr moron!
And if we speak about this then I'll add what you have seen before.
Says one thing

Oh sure nobody will be condemned for his opinions and views! Yeah right!
Does another.

Condemned ill and different people saying illness and difference are only poor excuses but of course it doesn't count because GFSLEGION's brainless servant Grummel83 doesn't have disabilities which clearly is saying they try to tell you people with disabilities and people who defend them doesn't have any rights.
This is very pure example of hypocrisy and bullying. When GFSLEGION and Grummel83 does something wrong then it's fine but not fine when people with disabilities or people who defend them has done something wrong.
If we are honest you're defaming her and it's called DEFAMATORY YOU SELF-RIGHTEOUS ARROGANT ASSHOLE!. GFSLEGION has showed you with google analytics tool harassment comes from Latvia's city Riga and you all are telling bullshit like it was SinRedemption.
At first in Riga lives about 700 000 people, secondly google analytics tool shows ISP's server's location not location where someone lives and thirdly because of possibilities you so much refuse to consider because of your self-righteous arrogance we need police! Stop being an idiot who lives in time when suspicion about witchcraft was enough to accuse someone and to hang this someone!
Because tumblr moron's blog is full with GFSLEGION's bullshit the tumblr moron must be GFSLEGION herself!
Because you all are big fools and GFSLEGION has very good fooled you all!
As much as I know they're pissed off when assholes like you are looking for excuses how to not pay appropriate salary because if you would be paying appropriate salary then assholes like you won't be able to drive around and brag with the new BMW or other exclusive car you can exclusively use because of your job or something like that!
The number of migrated people wouldn't be about 200 000 people but much less if assholes like you wouldn't look for excuses how to pay ridiculous salary while there are countries where employers have much better attitude than yours.
No, jerk it's called slavery and it's not normal when you have to work in 2 work places because salary from one work place doesn't cover basic expenses. This is your admission you want people to work like slaves for a ridiculous salary!
Hard work is when you work 8-12 hours in a day for appropriate salary which covers your basic expenses and slavery is when you have to work 8-12 in a day for a ridiculous salary which doesn't cover your basic expenses and because of it you need second job if you wish to live alone in your own apartment.
How come there are countries where one job's minimal salary covers basic expenses while in Latvia you have to work in 2 workplaces if you wish to live alone?! Answer is because of assholes like you tumblr moron!
She didn't received any welfare and wait a second! You were talking
about this welfare from which she didn't received a cent which means you
didn't paid for her but now you put her disability into this to make
yourself look like a hero who's paying for her. You're saying this like
it's her fault she was with disabilities and like she wanted to be with
disabilities but this is something you can't choose to have it or not!
So don't make yourselves look like a shiny knights in white armor.
You're not shiny knights in white armor! Just poor self-righteous jerks
you are who can't stand when someone's disagreeing with your ultimate
truth which is why you tell bullshit about everyone who's not on your
side and who are looking for excuses how to not pay appropriate salaries
and also looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities!
There's a difference when you directly call someone like Nazi for example and when you post things in which someone else calls them Nazi tumblr moron!
And if we speak about this then I'll add what you have seen before.
Says one thing

Oh sure nobody will be condemned for his opinions and views! Yeah right!
Does another.

Condemned ill and different people saying illness and difference are only poor excuses but of course it doesn't count because GFSLEGION's brainless servant Grummel83 doesn't have disabilities which clearly is saying they try to tell you people with disabilities and people who defend them doesn't have any rights.
This is very pure example of hypocrisy and bullying. When GFSLEGION and Grummel83 does something wrong then it's fine but not fine when people with disabilities or people who defend them has done something wrong.
If we are honest you're defaming her and it's called DEFAMATORY YOU SELF-RIGHTEOUS ARROGANT ASSHOLE!. GFSLEGION has showed you with google analytics tool harassment comes from Latvia's city Riga and you all are telling bullshit like it was SinRedemption.
At first in Riga lives about 700 000 people, secondly google analytics tool shows ISP's server's location not location where someone lives and thirdly because of possibilities you so much refuse to consider because of your self-righteous arrogance we need police! Stop being an idiot who lives in time when suspicion about witchcraft was enough to accuse someone and to hang this someone!
Because tumblr moron's blog is full with GFSLEGION's bullshit the tumblr moron must be GFSLEGION herself!
You Are Unintelligent Tumblr Moron
You who wrote this question, GFSLEGION and all the rest are unintelligent morons! What google analytics shows isn't precise location of a person but a location of ISP's server which doesn't prove where someone is living!!!
How come your tumblr blog is full with GFSLEGION's bullshit? Is it because you're GFSLEGION?
And for the record check the blog. In this blog isn't mentioned every account from which was attacked to GFSLEGION so stop telling your bullshit!
How come your tumblr blog is full with GFSLEGION's bullshit? Is it because you're GFSLEGION?
And for the record check the blog. In this blog isn't mentioned every account from which was attacked to GFSLEGION so stop telling your bullshit!
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Thinking about it what her royally spoiled highness GFSLEGION, her brainless servant Grummel83 and their moronic friends has said it's obvious now you can't trust them if you have disabilities because when you'll tell them this they'll be looking for excuses how to bully you, make you feel miserable because there are things you can't do because of your disabilities despite they are saying there are people who can't work not because of laziness but because of disabilities. Just dare to be in bad mood and disagree with their opinion and it will come to that they'll be like how dare you to not agree with her royally spoiled highness GFSLEGION's and her brainless servant's Grummel83's opinion. Revenge for all your mistakes will follow because they don't care that despite of your disability the only wrong things you do is the same wrong things people without disabilities do too. To them you count as sick even if you haven't done anything really sick. Your disability is a very good reason and excuse for them to bully you. When you'll hurt GFSLEGION and Grummel83 everyone will be like how dare you to hurt them and will make you look like monster but if someone like GFSLEGION and Grummel83 will bully people with disabilities and later will tell bullshit then such people will be praised as national heroes by moron's as Hellraiser-89, Elchanan, Midnight-Designed, moron who made tumblr blog about SinRedemption and sarahthrel. For them it's okay to use people with disabilities like toys, to bully them and throw them out like broken things just because they have disability but it's not okay to hurt her royally spoiled highness GFSLEGION and her brainless servant Grummel83. We have hypocrisy here!
GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and their friends says just because we said something it doesn't mean it is so but at the same time they try to say everything's is like they say it is. Talk about regarding your opinion as ultimate truth. :-/
I'll end this with something which very good and truthfully says what her royally spoiled highness, her brainless servant and their friends are doing and I don't care what you're going to say about it!

We have a Führer nowadays too and her name is Trixi. People know her also as GFSLEGION and Lord of comms. Führer can't accept resistance to her opinion which is why Führer uses methods as scaring people and threatening to kill them if they will continue to resist her opinion. With the help of her right hand Kai who people know as Grummel83 she successfully restored Nazi regime on deviantART. Now it's only a question of time when Führer Trixi with her right hand Kai will restore Nazi regime in the whole world...
Our Führer today
After successfully restoring Nazi regime on devianART and realizing mass genocide against everyone who was resisting Führer's Nazi regime, Führer Trixi and her followers are now celebrating their victory dancing Nazi dance. After their celebration they're going to try to restore Nazi regime in the whole world.
Our Führer's contest
To gain more followers Führer Trixi is organizing Nazi contest. Who will write the best Nazi propaganda will receive special prize right from our Führer Trixi. Our Führer's most passionate worshipers as Hellraiser-89, Grummel83 and Elchanan are delighted about this contest.
Our Führer's very short biography
Our Führer Trixi was born on October 10th 1979. In early childhood our Führer Trixi showed signs of dictatorship. Since childhood our Führer Trixi wants to rule over the others and is ready to force people to follow her Nazi regime's dictatorship if she has to. When our Führer Trixi finished schools our Führer Trixi joined Nazi army where our Führer Trixi met Kai who later became our Führer's right hand because he shares the same ideology with our Führer Trixi. From there begun days when our Führer Trixi and her right hand Kai attempted to restore Nazi regime.
Our Führer's nickname is Nazirider T. (ò_ó) and she is official Nazi beta propaganda tester.
Our Führer's latest Nazi propaganda's news
People with diseases and illness must be exterminated at all cost. They're threatening our Führer's Nazi regime's dictatorship. Everyone who'll help our Führer Trixi to exterminate people with diseases and illness voluntarily not forcibly will be richly rewarded.
Our Führer's quotes
"To gain Nazi regime's dictatorship's stability, first exterminate people with diseases and illness."
"Humanity is the expression of stupidity and cowardice."
Our Führer's Nazi propoganda's song
We march we march,
Forever we march together
March together to exterminate
Ill people.
We must we must,
We must do it
For the greater good
We must do it,
We must exterminate
Ill people.
Our Führer in the future
Our Führer Trixi is planning to write a book how to effectively exterminate people with diseases and illness and to leave her Nazi dictatorship's propaganda as a heritage for next generations.
GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and their friends says just because we said something it doesn't mean it is so but at the same time they try to say everything's is like they say it is. Talk about regarding your opinion as ultimate truth. :-/
I'll end this with something which very good and truthfully says what her royally spoiled highness, her brainless servant and their friends are doing and I don't care what you're going to say about it!

We have a Führer nowadays too and her name is Trixi. People know her also as GFSLEGION and Lord of comms. Führer can't accept resistance to her opinion which is why Führer uses methods as scaring people and threatening to kill them if they will continue to resist her opinion. With the help of her right hand Kai who people know as Grummel83 she successfully restored Nazi regime on deviantART. Now it's only a question of time when Führer Trixi with her right hand Kai will restore Nazi regime in the whole world...
Our Führer today
After successfully restoring Nazi regime on devianART and realizing mass genocide against everyone who was resisting Führer's Nazi regime, Führer Trixi and her followers are now celebrating their victory dancing Nazi dance. After their celebration they're going to try to restore Nazi regime in the whole world.
Our Führer's contest
To gain more followers Führer Trixi is organizing Nazi contest. Who will write the best Nazi propaganda will receive special prize right from our Führer Trixi. Our Führer's most passionate worshipers as Hellraiser-89, Grummel83 and Elchanan are delighted about this contest.
Our Führer's very short biography
Our Führer Trixi was born on October 10th 1979. In early childhood our Führer Trixi showed signs of dictatorship. Since childhood our Führer Trixi wants to rule over the others and is ready to force people to follow her Nazi regime's dictatorship if she has to. When our Führer Trixi finished schools our Führer Trixi joined Nazi army where our Führer Trixi met Kai who later became our Führer's right hand because he shares the same ideology with our Führer Trixi. From there begun days when our Führer Trixi and her right hand Kai attempted to restore Nazi regime.
Our Führer's nickname is Nazirider T. (ò_ó) and she is official Nazi beta propaganda tester.
Our Führer's latest Nazi propaganda's news
People with diseases and illness must be exterminated at all cost. They're threatening our Führer's Nazi regime's dictatorship. Everyone who'll help our Führer Trixi to exterminate people with diseases and illness voluntarily not forcibly will be richly rewarded.
Our Führer's quotes
"To gain Nazi regime's dictatorship's stability, first exterminate people with diseases and illness."
"Humanity is the expression of stupidity and cowardice."
Our Führer's Nazi propoganda's song
We march we march,
Forever we march together
March together to exterminate
Ill people.
We must we must,
We must do it
For the greater good
We must do it,
We must exterminate
Ill people.
Our Führer in the future
Our Führer Trixi is planning to write a book how to effectively exterminate people with diseases and illness and to leave her Nazi dictatorship's propaganda as a heritage for next generations.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Tumblr Moron Is Liar
That's what GFSLEGION loves to tell you isn't it? :D :D First of all when she asked them to play with her MP none of them said no and didn't gave a smallest hint they don't want to play MP with her! They just blame her for their inability to say no to her!
And still no explanation about how she could force them to be online every day. The answer is because she didn't forced them. They came online because they weren't able to say no to her for what she now is blamed.
Yeah, SinRedemption because of her disability doesn't have rights to be in bad mood so let's kick her out like broken toy because she has disability and bad mood sometimes and before kicking out her like a broken toy let's revenge to her for all mistakes she has done! Jerks not friends!
It isn't the no word she wasn't getting but why bad mood has consequences as if it's the worst crime human can commit?! The answer is because GFSLEGION bullies people with disabilities.
Due to your bullshit you tell people she looks like a liar because you're so arrogant that you make look bad everyone who's not accepting your opinion you regard as the ultimate truth!!!
And still no explanation about how she could force them to be online every day. The answer is because she didn't forced them. They came online because they weren't able to say no to her for what she now is blamed.
Yeah, SinRedemption because of her disability doesn't have rights to be in bad mood so let's kick her out like broken toy because she has disability and bad mood sometimes and before kicking out her like a broken toy let's revenge to her for all mistakes she has done! Jerks not friends!
It isn't the no word she wasn't getting but why bad mood has consequences as if it's the worst crime human can commit?! The answer is because GFSLEGION bullies people with disabilities.
Due to your bullshit you tell people she looks like a liar because you're so arrogant that you make look bad everyone who's not accepting your opinion you regard as the ultimate truth!!!
Monday, 9 May 2016
Ladies And Gentleman
Here's tumblr moron's words which proves moron will call everyone who's ill sick and use someone's illness as excuse to bully him or her. People who're nice don't call ill people as sick which proves you and GFSLEGION aren't nice! Word sick is offensive enough for someone who's ill.
There are some people besides her who knows this too about her. Don't know which one told it to sarahthrel.
And here's tumblr moron's admission being in bad mood sometimes isn't fine as moron said it is.
She just had a bad mood but your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION decided it's a good reason to revenge for all times when she made mistakes because your moronic spoiled queen didn't always had a good time with SinRedemption as your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION wanted.
And what are you trying to say? That you think it's fine to use SinRedemption like toy, use her difference as excuse to bully her, revenge to her for all times when she made mistakes just because she didn't had good mood always as your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION expected and then throw her out like a broken thing just because she isn't as perfect as your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION wanted her to be? If so then you're bullying people with disabilities!
GFSLEGION and you behave like you're masters of the universe not us. Dare to be in bad mood sometimes and then will come a day when GFSLEGION will revenge to your for every time when you had a bad mood just because moronic spoiled queen didn't always had good time as moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION wanted.
There are some people besides her who knows this too about her. Don't know which one told it to sarahthrel.
And here's tumblr moron's admission being in bad mood sometimes isn't fine as moron said it is.
She just had a bad mood but your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION decided it's a good reason to revenge for all times when she made mistakes because your moronic spoiled queen didn't always had a good time with SinRedemption as your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION wanted.
And what are you trying to say? That you think it's fine to use SinRedemption like toy, use her difference as excuse to bully her, revenge to her for all times when she made mistakes just because she didn't had good mood always as your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION expected and then throw her out like a broken thing just because she isn't as perfect as your moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION wanted her to be? If so then you're bullying people with disabilities!
GFSLEGION and you behave like you're masters of the universe not us. Dare to be in bad mood sometimes and then will come a day when GFSLEGION will revenge to your for every time when you had a bad mood just because moronic spoiled queen didn't always had good time as moronic spoiled queen GFSLEGION wanted.
Sunday, 8 May 2016
Tumblr Moron Is Pissed Off
I've to say this actually is your admission you're pissed off when you see someone's not so stupid to become a slave for you who'll work hard for you for a ridiculous salary.
Exception are people who doesn't have other choice then they're taking slave's job which is also forcing them to work in 2 workplaces because the ridiculous salary from one work place can't cover expenses of basic needs! This wouldn't be happening if assholes like you would be paying appropriate salary!
You think that's normal when people have to work in 2 work places just because salary from one workplace can't cover expenses of basic needs? I think not!
And don't flatter yourselves! You don't have to pay a cent for her!
Exception are people who doesn't have other choice then they're taking slave's job which is also forcing them to work in 2 workplaces because the ridiculous salary from one work place can't cover expenses of basic needs! This wouldn't be happening if assholes like you would be paying appropriate salary!
You think that's normal when people have to work in 2 work places just because salary from one workplace can't cover expenses of basic needs? I think not!
And don't flatter yourselves! You don't have to pay a cent for her!
Saturday, 7 May 2016
Tumblr Blog Bullshit Continues
Don't make me laugh moron! This is how we get blamed for what GFSLEGION and tumblr moron does. You and GFSLEGION are those who consider your bullshit as ultimate truth! Her and our opinion is about stop treating people like SinRedemption as shit just because they have disabilities and can't be like you want them to be and if that's shit to you then you just admitted right there you bully people with disabilities.
All you do is tell bullshit and you have nothing except your assumptions and there are evidence which has shown how you have tried to make her look like liar.
Bully GFSLEGION complained we went a little bit on bully's road with this blog that you mention april's posts? If you expect apology speech from us then you won't hear it. Actually you're making her look like guilty every time when one of you receives notes with insulting words and telling all this bullshit of yours about her to people .
Morons who insulted us for daring to show GFSLEGION's lies were upset and complaining to you someone has insulted them that you now tell next bullshit?
I think GFSLEGION, you and the rest are pissed of that not everyone is stupid enough to believe your bullshit and that's why everybody who'll be on SinRedemption's side or won't be supporting any side but just simply will show that GFSLEGION isn't saying truth will have to face your bullshit.
All you do is tell bullshit and you have nothing except your assumptions and there are evidence which has shown how you have tried to make her look like liar.
Bully GFSLEGION complained we went a little bit on bully's road with this blog that you mention april's posts? If you expect apology speech from us then you won't hear it. Actually you're making her look like guilty every time when one of you receives notes with insulting words and telling all this bullshit of yours about her to people .
Morons who insulted us for daring to show GFSLEGION's lies were upset and complaining to you someone has insulted them that you now tell next bullshit?
I think GFSLEGION, you and the rest are pissed of that not everyone is stupid enough to believe your bullshit and that's why everybody who'll be on SinRedemption's side or won't be supporting any side but just simply will show that GFSLEGION isn't saying truth will have to face your bullshit.
Friday, 6 May 2016
It's Not SinRedemption But GFSLEGION Who's Spoiled Brat
Weird when people are calling SinRedemption's behavior as spoiled brat's behavior because GFSLEGION is the real spoiled brat.There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a good time but it's nothing wrong as long as you understand you won't always have good times in friendship. This part GFSLEGION fails to understand. GFSLEGION had sometimes but not always good time with SinRedemption because SinRedemption had bad mood and sometimes overreacted.
And that's another reason why SinRedemption got notes with insults from GFSLEGION.
Someone who's in bad mood and overreacts isn't a spoiled brat but someone like GFSLEGION who's expecting people to be always in good mood and good times is spoiled brat! This is much more selfish than bad mood and overreaction!
Sadly a lot of people have become selfish hypocritical spoiled brats who's thinking friendship is just about having good time, kissing ass, bribing and flattering. That's as bad as when you see in school children who will be your friends only when you'll have something as money and sweets.
Have to upset you but real friendship isn't about it. Real friends supports each other also in bad times not just in good times but not hypocrites like GFSLEGION and Grummel83. They're just pretending.
And that's another reason why SinRedemption got notes with insults from GFSLEGION.
Someone who's in bad mood and overreacts isn't a spoiled brat but someone like GFSLEGION who's expecting people to be always in good mood and good times is spoiled brat! This is much more selfish than bad mood and overreaction!
Sadly a lot of people have become selfish hypocritical spoiled brats who's thinking friendship is just about having good time, kissing ass, bribing and flattering. That's as bad as when you see in school children who will be your friends only when you'll have something as money and sweets.
Have to upset you but real friendship isn't about it. Real friends supports each other also in bad times not just in good times but not hypocrites like GFSLEGION and Grummel83. They're just pretending.
It Makes My Day Look Brighter
Thanks to one of our anonymous sources I got news bullies are bullied again on deviantART.
I'll say it makes my day look brighter when I know bullies are bullied. :) :D
The content won't be posted here because brainless Trixi and her brainless slaves will tell people their bullshit despite that I and other blog admins have nothing to do with this content. We just found it thanks to our anonymous sources.
I'll say it makes my day look brighter when I know bullies are bullied. :) :D
The content won't be posted here because brainless Trixi and her brainless slaves will tell people their bullshit despite that I and other blog admins have nothing to do with this content. We just found it thanks to our anonymous sources.
You're Such A Hypocrite GFSLEGION
But unfortunately in these days deviantART is full with hypocrites which is sad.
Nice when you think they don't deserve it
But according to GFSLEGION people with disabilities like SinRedemption deserves to be called sick, assholes and in other offensive words just because they aren't always in good mood and has disabilities. That's soooo hypocritical because GFSLEGION tries to pretend to be nice but she's not nice. Her hypocrisy is in front of your eyes but if you can't notice that then you're moron or hypocrite.
GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and their brainless slaves are the ones who has serious lack of intelligence. All they know is how to bully people with disabilities.
This made me laugh because her great friend is tumblr moron who's the same hypocritical bully as GFSLEGION is. If you're moron, ass kisser, bully and flatterer then you're a great friend for GFSLEGION. :D :D :D :D
This quote is that tumblr moron's quote by the way.
Don't pity them but don't laugh about them too hypocrites.
Nice when you think they don't deserve it
But according to GFSLEGION people with disabilities like SinRedemption deserves to be called sick, assholes and in other offensive words just because they aren't always in good mood and has disabilities. That's soooo hypocritical because GFSLEGION tries to pretend to be nice but she's not nice. Her hypocrisy is in front of your eyes but if you can't notice that then you're moron or hypocrite.
GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and their brainless slaves are the ones who has serious lack of intelligence. All they know is how to bully people with disabilities.
This made me laugh because her great friend is tumblr moron who's the same hypocritical bully as GFSLEGION is. If you're moron, ass kisser, bully and flatterer then you're a great friend for GFSLEGION. :D :D :D :D
This quote is that tumblr moron's quote by the way.
Don't pity them but don't laugh about them too hypocrites.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Jealousy And Stupidity
It has been established the tumblr blog writer is moron. While I can't explain why such message was sent to Hellraiser-89 and sarahthrel GFSLEGION's and Grummel83's profiles on dA says they're from Germany! Everyone could've wrote this message.
And with this you're lying about her! Unfortunately many people are GFSLEGION's brainless slaves for who as it has been said GFSLEGION's bullshit is like a bone for a dog.
SinRedemption meant the moment when she sent all those many apologies to GFSLEGION and also to Grummel83 you brainless lying asshole!
And if you're jealous not everyone is an asshole like GFSLEGION and you who're looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities then tell us that directly. There's no need to come up with bullshit about people who're on SinRedemption's side. :D :D
And with this you're lying about her! Unfortunately many people are GFSLEGION's brainless slaves for who as it has been said GFSLEGION's bullshit is like a bone for a dog.
SinRedemption meant the moment when she sent all those many apologies to GFSLEGION and also to Grummel83 you brainless lying asshole!
And if you're jealous not everyone is an asshole like GFSLEGION and you who're looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities then tell us that directly. There's no need to come up with bullshit about people who're on SinRedemption's side. :D :D
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
You Call It Far Better?!

Judging by how you sound you are one of those who have done a "great work" of scaring away from Latvia about 200 000 job seekers with your attitude! You don't have to hire money grabbers and not everybody wants to have 1000 euro salary immediately but if a job seeker will get in foreign country an offer to work for about 600 euro salary while you offer 300 salary for the work job seeker will have to do for you then which one you think job seeker will choose? Job seekers wouldn't have to migrate anywhere if they would get appropriate salary but one of the problems with Latvia is that prices are high but salaries aren't appropriate!
And you both are doing "a great work" when you look for excuses how to bully people with disabilities! "Just wonderful" to know employer and former soldier are bullying disabled people and doing the rest of the bullshit!
It's making me sick when a former soldier and employer have done such stuff!
People who has any disabilities better should stay away from GFSLEGION and the rest of her team. They're looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities!
Sunday, 1 May 2016
The Moronic Idiotic Queen And Her Brainless Slaves Of deviantART

Deviantart username GFSLEGION
Fanfiction username Lord of comms
Name Trixi
Country Germany
Age 35 or 36
Actual Age moronic idiotic little spoiled queen (army spoiled her)
About moronic idiotic little spoiled queen
Will let you believe she's nice and don't expect anything in return but that's trap. Truth is she wants you to kiss her ass, flatter her, to not come along with disability and to agree to her in everything. If you conform with this then you'll get very exclusive permission to talk with her often and visit her profile as much as you wish. If not then your often GFSLEGION's profile visits will count as sick and often talking with her will be just attempts to keep conversation and obsession with her.
Shortly the only bullshit she's accepting and listening are:
Kiss my ass and I'll be your friend
Flatter me and I'll be your friend
Do as I say and I'll be your friend
Be as I want you to be and I'll be your friend
Don't come along with disabilities and I'll be your friend
If you don't do any of this then she'll beat you up just because you can't have always good mood, come along with disability and can't buy or do something for her. Will be very mad when you won't accept every bullshit of moronic idiotic little spoiled queen.
Four ways how moronic idiotic spoiled little queen looks like when she's mad someone dared to not accept her bullshit!
First anger stage a.k.a. pissed off.
This happens when you first time fail to be exactly like moronic idiotic little spoiled queen wants you to be. She pretends to be nice and forgives you that but this is how in truth she's looking like when you haven't kissed her ass, haven't flattered her and don't always have good mood.
Second anger stage a.k.a anger grouching
This happens when she thinks you don't learn from your mistakes when in truth you are just a human who can't be in good mood always.
Third anger stage a.k.a. anger madness
This happens when you overreact sometimes like every human does. It's not fine when you do the same wrong things idiotic moronic spoiled little queen does but it's fine when idiotic moronic spoiled little queen does them.

Fourth anger stage a.k.a boiling in anger
This happens when she discovers you won't be kissing her ass, won't be flattering her, come along with disability, won't always have good mood and won't do everything as she says. In this stage idiotic moronic spoiled little queen becomes your worst nightmare.
Deviantart username Grummel83
Name Kai
Country Germany City Hamburg
Age 32 or 33
Actual age brainless slave of moronic idiotic little spoiled queen
About brainless slave of moronic idiotic little spoiled queen
Will listen and accept only what moronic idiotic little spoiled queen is saying. Worships his moronic idiotic little spoiled queen like she would be a God.
Deviantart username Hellraiser-89
Name Chris
Country Sweden
Age 26 or 27
Actual age brainless ass kissing hungry primitive of moronic idiotic little spoiled queen
About brainless ass kissing hungry primitive of moronic idiotic little spoiled queen
Adores and accepts as truth every bullshit moronic idiotic little spoiled queen tells him. He will continue to kiss ass of moronic idiotic spoiled queen even if you have shown his moronic idiotic spoiled queen lies because he fails to think.
Deviantart username sarahthrel
Name Sarah
Country United Kingdom
Age brainless slave and pure ass kisser in her early thirties
About brainless slave in her early thirties
Pure flatterer and ass kisser who's kissing moronic idiotic little spoiled queen's ass just because moronic queen has given points to her. Unable to think because she's accepting just bullshit which's coming from her moronic spoiled queen's mouth.
Deviantart username Midnight-Designed
tumblr username midnight-designed-art
Name Ilia M Groff
Country United States
Age 33
Actual age brainless slave who's kissing ass of moronic idiotic little spoiled queen
About brainless slave who's kissing ass of moronic idiotic spoiled queen
Needs someone who's thinking in her place because she's unable to think. Is kissing ass of idiotic little spoiled queen because this brainless slave likes her bullshit!
Dare to show their moronic idiotic spoiled little queen is lying and people will try to kill you and accuse for what you haven't done! Brainless morons!
Journals which you see on deviantART about them with our without Nazi things inspired me and you morons don't understand these journals are laughing about your ability or should I say
inability to think and how you kiss GFSLEGION's ass because her bullshit she says to you is like a bone for a dog.
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