GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and their friends says just because we said something it doesn't mean it is so but at the same time they try to say everything's is like they say it is. Talk about regarding your opinion as ultimate truth. :-/
I'll end this with something which very good and truthfully says what her royally spoiled highness, her brainless servant and their friends are doing and I don't care what you're going to say about it!

We have a Führer nowadays too and her name is Trixi. People know her also as GFSLEGION and Lord of comms. Führer can't accept resistance to her opinion which is why Führer uses methods as scaring people and threatening to kill them if they will continue to resist her opinion. With the help of her right hand Kai who people know as Grummel83 she successfully restored Nazi regime on deviantART. Now it's only a question of time when Führer Trixi with her right hand Kai will restore Nazi regime in the whole world...
Our Führer today
After successfully restoring Nazi regime on devianART and realizing mass genocide against everyone who was resisting Führer's Nazi regime, Führer Trixi and her followers are now celebrating their victory dancing Nazi dance. After their celebration they're going to try to restore Nazi regime in the whole world.
Our Führer's contest
To gain more followers Führer Trixi is organizing Nazi contest. Who will write the best Nazi propaganda will receive special prize right from our Führer Trixi. Our Führer's most passionate worshipers as Hellraiser-89, Grummel83 and Elchanan are delighted about this contest.
Our Führer's very short biography
Our Führer Trixi was born on October 10th 1979. In early childhood our Führer Trixi showed signs of dictatorship. Since childhood our Führer Trixi wants to rule over the others and is ready to force people to follow her Nazi regime's dictatorship if she has to. When our Führer Trixi finished schools our Führer Trixi joined Nazi army where our Führer Trixi met Kai who later became our Führer's right hand because he shares the same ideology with our Führer Trixi. From there begun days when our Führer Trixi and her right hand Kai attempted to restore Nazi regime.
Our Führer's nickname is Nazirider T. (ò_ó) and she is official Nazi beta propaganda tester.
Our Führer's latest Nazi propaganda's news
People with diseases and illness must be exterminated at all cost. They're threatening our Führer's Nazi regime's dictatorship. Everyone who'll help our Führer Trixi to exterminate people with diseases and illness voluntarily not forcibly will be richly rewarded.
Our Führer's quotes
"To gain Nazi regime's dictatorship's stability, first exterminate people with diseases and illness."
"Humanity is the expression of stupidity and cowardice."
Our Führer's Nazi propoganda's song
We march we march,
Forever we march together
March together to exterminate
Ill people.
We must we must,
We must do it
For the greater good
We must do it,
We must exterminate
Ill people.
Our Führer in the future
Our Führer Trixi is planning to write a book how to effectively exterminate people with diseases and illness and to leave her Nazi dictatorship's propaganda as a heritage for next generations.
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