Because you all are big fools and GFSLEGION has very good fooled you all!
As much as I know they're pissed off when assholes like you are looking for excuses how to not pay appropriate salary because if you would be paying appropriate salary then assholes like you won't be able to drive around and brag with the new BMW or other exclusive car you can exclusively use because of your job or something like that!
The number of migrated people wouldn't be about 200 000 people but much less if assholes like you wouldn't look for excuses how to pay ridiculous salary while there are countries where employers have much better attitude than yours.
No, jerk it's called slavery and it's not normal when you have to work in 2 work places because salary from one work place doesn't cover basic expenses. This is your admission you want people to work like slaves for a ridiculous salary!
Hard work is when you work 8-12 hours in a day for appropriate salary which covers your basic expenses and slavery is when you have to work 8-12 in a day for a ridiculous salary which doesn't cover your basic expenses and because of it you need second job if you wish to live alone in your own apartment.
How come there are countries where one job's minimal salary covers basic expenses while in Latvia you have to work in 2 workplaces if you wish to live alone?! Answer is because of assholes like you tumblr moron!
She didn't received any welfare and wait a second! You were talking
about this welfare from which she didn't received a cent which means you
didn't paid for her but now you put her disability into this to make
yourself look like a hero who's paying for her. You're saying this like
it's her fault she was with disabilities and like she wanted to be with
disabilities but this is something you can't choose to have it or not!
So don't make yourselves look like a shiny knights in white armor.
You're not shiny knights in white armor! Just poor self-righteous jerks
you are who can't stand when someone's disagreeing with your ultimate
truth which is why you tell bullshit about everyone who's not on your
side and who are looking for excuses how to not pay appropriate salaries
and also looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities!
There's a difference when you directly call someone like Nazi for example and when you post things in which someone else calls them Nazi tumblr moron!
And if we speak about this then I'll add what you have seen before.
Says one thing

Oh sure nobody will be condemned for his opinions and views! Yeah right!
Does another.

Condemned ill and different people saying illness and difference are only poor excuses but of course it doesn't count because GFSLEGION's brainless servant Grummel83 doesn't have disabilities which clearly is saying they try to tell you people with disabilities and people who defend them doesn't have any rights.
This is very pure example of hypocrisy and bullying. When GFSLEGION and Grummel83 does something wrong then it's fine but not fine when people with disabilities or people who defend them has done something wrong.
If we are honest you're defaming her and it's called DEFAMATORY YOU SELF-RIGHTEOUS ARROGANT ASSHOLE!. GFSLEGION has showed you with google analytics tool harassment comes from Latvia's city Riga and you all are telling bullshit like it was SinRedemption.
At first in Riga lives about 700 000 people, secondly google analytics tool shows ISP's server's location not location where someone lives and thirdly because of possibilities you so much refuse to consider because of your self-righteous arrogance we need police! Stop being an idiot who lives in time when suspicion about witchcraft was enough to accuse someone and to hang this someone!
Because tumblr moron's blog is full with GFSLEGION's bullshit the tumblr moron must be GFSLEGION herself!
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