Monday 16 May 2016

Got to "love" those moments when idiots like tumblr moron says SinRedemption made herself look like liar when it's morons like him and GFSLEGION who told brainless fools this bullshit about her and made her look like liar! Nice you know which server was used during harassment but it's not enough as evidence. That's why we need investigation which police are doing and that's why it takes so long for police + this is international case which makes it harder.

Let's examine the some facts.

SinRedemption isn't always in good mood, sometimes she overreacted, sometimes was simply in bad mood and there comes two times when she possibly was jealous but I said possibly because there's no evidence about her jealousy just rumors and her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION has this tendency to see what never was there. One time she overreacts in their friendship about not answering on messages and that royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION takes as spying and controlling. Riiight. What then I should say about people who overreact every fifth day when I don't answer on their messages immediately? I have to deal with such people because I don't have other choice while her royally spoiled majesty is whining about one time when SinRedemption has overreacted about not answering on her messages immediately. Then who would've thought it can be taken as controlling when you want to say something short because you fear you could forget it next time at the moment when your friend has to go. This is her royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's tendency to see what's not there. People with disabilities who are coming to royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's profile very often to see her art are stalkers. Helloooo! It's an art site! Are you trying to say people with disabilities doesn't have rights to see her royally spoiled majesty's GFSLEGION's art? That just ass kissers and flatterers like sarahthrel has these rights to do so?

This is forgiven but then one day SinRedemption is in bad mood and since there wasn't immediate improvements her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION revenged SinRedemption for every mistake she has made and bullied her because of her difference. SinRedemption was leaving her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION alone just fine but her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION managed to provoke SinRedemption's apology wave with her notes she sent to SinRedemption!

Now her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION very good has fooled all people telling SinRedemption wasn't leaving her alone when all what SinRedemption did was submitted her art and GFSLEGION actually was the one who didn't left SinRedemption alone provoking apology wave which SinRedemption sent to GFSLEGION later.

Why you even forgive mistakes if this is what you do because of bad mood?

Because her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION is such a whiner who can't stand something's not happening as her royally spoiled majesty wants and it's her royally spoiled majesty GFSLEGION who wants to control people here not SinRedemption as her royally spoiled majesty was saying to all these brainless idiots!
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