Wednesday 4 May 2016

Jealousy And Stupidity

It has been established the tumblr blog writer is moron. While I can't explain why such message was sent to Hellraiser-89 and sarahthrel GFSLEGION's and Grummel83's profiles on dA says they're from Germany! Everyone could've wrote this message.
And with this you're lying about her! Unfortunately many people are GFSLEGION's brainless slaves for who as it has been said GFSLEGION's bullshit is like a bone for a dog.

SinRedemption meant the moment when she sent all those many apologies to GFSLEGION and also to Grummel83 you brainless lying asshole!

And if you're jealous not everyone is an asshole like GFSLEGION and you who're looking for excuses how to bully people with disabilities then tell us that directly. There's no need to come up with bullshit about people who're on SinRedemption's side. :D :D

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