Friday 6 May 2016

You're Such A Hypocrite GFSLEGION

But unfortunately in these days deviantART is full with hypocrites which is sad.

Nice when you think they don't deserve it

But according to GFSLEGION people with disabilities like SinRedemption deserves to be called sick, assholes and in other offensive words just because they aren't always in good mood and has disabilities. That's soooo hypocritical because GFSLEGION tries to pretend to be nice but she's not nice. Her hypocrisy is in front of your eyes but if you can't notice that then you're moron or hypocrite.


GFSLEGION, Grummel83 and their brainless slaves are the ones who has serious lack of intelligence.  All they know is how to bully people with disabilities. 

This made me laugh because her great friend is tumblr moron who's the same hypocritical bully as GFSLEGION is. If you're moron, ass kisser, bully and flatterer then you're a great friend for GFSLEGION. :D :D :D :D 

This quote is that tumblr moron's quote by the way.

Don't pity them but don't laugh about them too hypocrites.
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  1. Is GFSLEGION hypocrite? Maybe. I don't know but lying bitch GFSLEGION definitely is.
