Are you saying her disorder gave GFSLEGION rights to kick her like it would be SinRedemption's fault she had disorder? Thanks for admission you will bully people just because they have disorder which normally people don't have!
That's why you are self-righteous ass! You're not in her head and don't know her thoughts but you act like you know. Self-righteousness in short.
For GFSLEGION it's the biggest crime human can commit why else overreaction had such consequences.
Distributing false rumors about SinRedemption is also bullying.
Says who? GFSLEGION? Or someone who wrote on fanfiction it? Wasn't us.
Right in front of you you can see the laughing about her death
Trixi expected from Rita good mood always and since Rita couldn't be in good mood always Trixi couldn't stand it and Trixi thought Rita doesn't have any disabilities and couldn't stand when Rita disagreed with her.
Here's how Trixi can't stand when Rita was talking about difference
But what Trixi can stand is flattering which is ass kissing in it's purest form and the only reason why Trixi gave memebrship to Rita was because she was hoping Rita will do everything Trixi wants her to do but when she discovered Rita isn't doing everything what Trixi wants it made Trixi mad.
We didn't said a word about her death because of what happened on and you can't prove it was one of us who said anything about murdering.
She had both but about disease she started to speak later.
Here's your damn evidence to it!
She wasn't perfect but at least unlike most of you she didn't pretended to be what she's not.
Should I continue or now you once and for all get it they are just distributing bad rumors about her?
Let's continue
No evidence of money being exchanged but here's evidence of how bullies give her points and donation pool and charity thing is just for excusing the bribing.
If disabled person who's not flattering and kissing GFSLEGION's ass will be talking with GFSLEGION often then these are just attempts to keep conversation. Just ass kissers and flatterers can talk with GFSLEGION often. What a "good" friend. :-/
I give you the cookie for the incredible moronic stupidity you have shown :D :D :D :D
Disabled person's identity cards in basics are the same what makes them different is your personal data on them.
I won't give you that data because then you will come up with next bullshit about her.
If this message would've been addressed just to GFSLEGION and Grummel83 then I guess I could understand why you blame her but this is also addressed to people with who she didn't had argument and that note doesn't prove it was her. Everyone could've done it. In other words this isn't enough to blame her for that.
I guess now you're going to call the police to arrest us because it seems we have committed big crime when we changed our minds. :D :D :D :D
Some people are morons who will never understand when things goes in public there's no huge problems to make it look like someone did something.
Here's another cookie from me for your incredible moronic stupidity because you don't know in what situation she was but you obviously have taken GFSLEGION's bullshit seriously!
And she didn't want to work for ***** who makes workers work like slaves and pays almost nothing for that.
I wouldn't recommend people to work for you because you seem to be that ***** who wants workers to work like slaves and to pay them almost nothing for that and moron who also thinks young-adults who just finished university comes along with at least 2 year job experience in profession they have chosen.
And here's third cookie from me for your incredible moronic stupidity
Just like for you GFSLEGION is delivering her bullshit we had people who delivered screenshots from deviantART for us.
You just made me laugh because these words we have not been on deviantART since February said ScrewYouWorld
And if you would've checked ScrewYouWorld's profile you would've found they call themselves the confusing triplets
They aren't triplets but 3 people are using this account.
What you have established is bad rumor about her which is bullying
For bullies they're great role model not for normal people because they spread bad rumors about SinRedemption with evidence which just proves it's possible to do it but doesn't prove she did it.
More like GFSLEGION is
PROUD she has lost her mind because of army because she doesn't know in what situation Rita was and made everything into excuses behaving like self-righteous asshole and later started to spread bad rumors about SinRedemption which aren't true.
Just because she needed a job doesn't mean she will take any job! You wish to be slaves? Your own fault. Who would've thought it's too much to ask for salary which allows you to pay for your basic needs without stress! That's all she wanted. To have salary which allows to pay for basic needs such as food and rent (
one-room apartment) not the salary which allows to buy also latest gizmo's without which people can live! I don't see anything bad in that.
That's because they're bullies who prefer to read bad false rumors someone's distributing
She wasn't the only one who knows information which that blog contains. Accusation but no evidence!
200-300 euro is ridiculous salary for a shift work in which you have to work 8-12 hours in a day and you can't afford to have your own place. Not even one-room apartment. Welcome to the world of employee. This is the sad reality of many employees in Latvia. One of the reasons why those who could left Latvia did that so yes there is fault in salaries too why about 200 000 Latvians left Latvia.
What makes me sick is employer is a bully and moron who will look for excuses how to bully disabled people. She would've taken a job if it would be with a
stable income not variable income! You forgot it costs money to get to work and back home. Exceptions are when
workplace isn't far from your home and you can walk to your workplace and don't have to use bus or a car.
Employer who wrote the tumblr blog just indirectly has offended every job seeker who's smart enough to realize potential employer
could be just a ******* who just wants people to work very hard and to not pay
a cent whenever it's possible.
If job seekers like Rita are lazy just because they
are smart enough to realize potential employer could be just a ******* and
just because they wish to have stable income which covers expenses for rent,
utilities, food and the rest basic needs for which you need about 400-600 euro then what are people who think they'll receive more than 1000 euro after the first month they've worked and won't work if they'll be receiving less than 1000 euro?!
I applaud him for scaring away job seekers from Latvia with such attitude!
I give you the fourth cookie for showing again your incredible moronic stupidity. She went to use once a computer which is owned by someone who owed her a favor because she wanted to test something on deviantART.
Clear example of spreading bad rumor which is bullying! This is bad rumor because you don't have evidence she used her own computer you just have assumption she used her own computer and
you're making accusations which are based on your assumptions which doesn't prove you're right.
Now I give you fifth cookie for your incredible moronic stupidity.
Disability is what makes people who has disability different from most people. Read this note. Maybe then you won't be confused moron about this anymore!
Sixth cookie from me because if you would've followed this blog you would've found this on our blog about TanneryD account
Seventh cookie from me for your admission you want people
always to have good mood.
Now what were you saying about bad mood? That it's fine? Bullshit and hypocrisy right there because you admitted it's not fine to have bad mood sometimes.
Eighth cookie from me for invented bullshit about her! She was afraid direct no could hurt GFSLEGION more than the excuse she came up with! Inventing this bullshit you just proved your self-righteousness.
Ninth cookie from me for your stupidity. If you would be as anxious as she was and with low confidence then I'm somehow sure you would've done the same what Rita did. You can take it as lying but Trixi lied to Rita
every time when she forgave Rita her mistakes. Trixi had rights to be angry and call her asshole because of what Rita did with overreaction last time they spoke but making that into revenge for all times she made mistakes is Trixi's admission that was revenge which Trixi is admitting with words which are underlined with blue line and also admission Trixi lied to Rita
every time when she forgave mistakes. And calling disabled person as sick is the same as calling Germans as Nazi.
This statement was made to excuse bad rumor spreading about her
Tenth cookie from me because you are incredibly stupid moron who doesn't know such things can be scanned in computer or copied by someone. :D Or maybe it's because you're incredible self-righteous asshole who's looking for excuses to spread bad rumors about her!
That's because she wanted Rita to kiss her ass and flatter her like sarahthrel is doing it not because she would be real friend!
What's this?! You just admitted the investigation is still in process and police I assume hasn't said a word about someone's guilt and innocence but you already announce people who's fault it is. What makes you better than bully in that case huh?
You have screenshots of recent activities of someone
She didn't needed 1000 euro salary or more you morons! She just wanted a salary which allows to live her in her own place and about 600 euro salary allows that and if she would be alive then she wouldn't work for an asshole like you who thinks people can live on their own with unstable income which changes from 200 to 300 euro. This is why there are people who're forced to work in two work places
which isn't normal!
Moron! People like you made her look like liar because you misrepresent facts about her like for example I can use what you said about TanneryD account. Somewhere above in this post you can find details.
They don't hack but of course it's okay to say Rita hacks groups. This is clear example of let's spread bad rumors which is bullying just because Rita is disabled person.
And if Rita could hack then she would've hacked GFSLEGION's, blog and their deviantART accounts also would be hacked not some lousy Express-Your-Hatred group.
I give you the eleventh cookie for how incredibly stupid moron you are.
one who wrote the tumblr blog is trying to say to you we don't need
police. Let's return back to times when every smallest suspicion about
sorcery was enough to burn to death or to hang someone as result many innocent people died! I guess the one who wrote the tumblr blog is living in these times!
At the end I give you twelfth cookie because you have shown how incredibly stupid moron you are who made tumblr post!