Sunday, 10 April 2016

This what sarahthrel wrote to GFSLEGION is generally the same what SinRedemption was writing to GFSLEGION in notes but what GFSLEGION didn't like is that she didn't heard from SinRedemption words which I underlined while the word wonderful GFSLEGION didn't heard so often from SinRedemption which means SinRedemption was right when she was saying vainly arrogant hypocrite GFSLEGION didn't liked that SinRedemption wasn't kissing GFSLEGION's ass and flattering as sarahthrel does in this comment. GFSLEGION was saying to SinRedemption to not flatter her and SinRedemption tried to avoid from anything which could sound as flattery. Too bad SinRedemption couldn't imagine at that moment that flattery and ass kissing is what GFSLEGION was expecting from SinRedemption.

Here's another sarahthrel's flattery on GFSLEGION's profile.

Now I really know why GFSLEGION doesn't say to sarahthrel she's just trying to keep conversation with GFSLEGION and isn't spy and stalker to GFSLEGION while SinRedemption was spy and stalker. The answer is because sarahthrel is flatterer and ass kisser but SinRedemption isn't. 

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