Friday, 8 April 2016

Written by SinRedemption

 I feel like last time I was a little bit immature so now I'll try to say this as mature as possible.

It's nice when people wishes to gift me something like core membership and/or game and when GFSLEGION at that moment gave me core membership as gift I'm not lying when I say I really had those happy tears because that was something I really wasn't expecting from her but now that I look on it all what happened between us I believe that core membership she gave me as gift was given me because she hoped that I'll agree with her in everything and will kiss her ass like Hellraiser-89 is kissing it which I wasn't doing.

 Saying everything I said was just excuses and senseless things and also these hiding and denying attempts proves GFSLEGION as I said is a vainly arrogant hypocrite who's only listening and supporting opinions which agrees with her completely while those opinions which supports people with disorders or doesn't support GFSLEGION completely she won't listen and such opinions will receive her condemning. Example is my opinion is sick for GFSLEGION because I talk about disorders. Then what the hell is GFSLEGION doing in a group DifferentIsntWrong?

You can see GFSLEGION is a member of DifferentInstWrong group.

You can see this group is meant for people like me and group's info describes a little what GFSLEGION did to me because of my difference. Disorder is also what makes some people like me different from other people.

And this note shows GFSLEGION harms me verbally because of my difference.

Yes, I overreacted but I didn't stalked GFSLEGION and I wasn't trying to control her. Making me feel like I was much worse than in truth is how she was trying to create conditions for me which lead me to stress and later caused panic attacks.  GFSLEGION was trying to control me by forcing me to accept that just what she says is truth and that what I say is just excuses and senseless things but I didn't wanted to accept that  and that was enough for her to treat me like that.

I think it's a hypocrisy when GFSLEGION is in a group which is meant for different people but at the same time says difference is excuse and opinions about difference and disorders are sick.

Composing and telling tales that I said no to job because of the reasons which wasn't the reasons why I said no is a vainly arrogant action and also lying.

You know what I really was expecting from GFSLEGION and Grummel83? That words which Grummel83 wrote in this journal would be true and I believed once they were true and thought he's really great friend. That's all I was really expecting the rest I just asked but didn't expected and it's sooo not my fault they couldn't say no to me! GFSLEGION and Grummel83 weren't forced  to be online every day it's just their excuse they came up with to blame me for their disability to say no to me.

But Grummel83 doesn't realize that in the moment when he wrote words illness and difference are only poor excuses in his journal Wake Up the journal about acceptance and tolerance of other people became as worthless as used tea bag and now instead of looking like someone who really accepts and tolerates other people he looks like hypocrite who will condemn everyone who's different and ill if not loudly then definitely he will do so quietly. Just a heartless jerk can write illness and difference are poor excuses. It's not just people with disorders he's condemning but also those who have heart or any other diseases are also condemned because it doesn't matter if you have disorder or heart disease for him it will be only a poor excuse and because of that he won't respect you.

Trying to hide and deny everything and blaming just me for things which is also his fault proves that he's also a vainly arrogant hypocrite who will only accept and tolerate those people who agrees with him and will condemn everyone who disagrees with him. Especially in cases about disorders.

Looks like  GFSLEGION promised to Hellraiser-89 to support him and get more screenshots for him in exchange for his help to lie about me that he's kissing her ass and lies about me. While he was harassed I was still recovering from the consequences of panic attacks and poor ass kisser doesn't have evidence just accusations.

And what did GFSLEGION and Grummel83 promised to sarahthrel that even she who didn't knew me before all this helped them to lie about me? Respect and support?

While we could debate about ass kissing part GFLEGION's and Grummel83's hypocrisy is obvious enough.

I think you already know the biggest mistakes  you can make while you talk with them are trusting to them and doing something good for them! Don't do that! They'll make you regret you ever trusted to them and did something good for them just like they made me regret that I ever trusted to them and did some good things for them!

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