Friday, 29 April 2016

deviantART Is Just For Boot Kissing And Flattering

If you're hoping to have internet friendship with someone then deviantART is the last place where you should look for it. Most people aren't real friends there. They will be your friends just when you're kissing their boots and flattering them. Examples are GFSLEGION (Trixi from Germany) and Grummel83 (Kai country Germany city Hamburg) who are in their thirties but seems like they're just one year old babies. As long as you have good mood, kiss their boots, flatter them, agree with them and don't have disabilities everything will be fine but when you won't be able to be in good mood always which is normal, won't kiss their boots, won't flatter them, won't agree with them and will have disabilities then they will bully you because of these things. Why? Because for GFSLEGION and Grummel83 friendship means you have to be perfect, kiss their boots, have to agree in everything with them and flatter them but if you can't buy something for them, aren't perfect, don't kiss their boots, don't agree with them, don't flatter them and have disability then you're just an asshole to them while you were just a normal human unlike these anthropoid monsters.

Even when you will show the true face of these bullies with real evidence not these  accusations they're spreading  people like Midnight-Designed (Ilia M Groff 33 years old female from United States) will pity these bullies and will support their lies and also will kiss their ass. Is everyone who's in their thirties a stupid moron?! 

And people like GothicGamerXIV (Alberts Gatis Gailums Country Latvia City Limbaži) and Mrs-Sheppy (Gabija Country Lithuania) are just backstabbers not your friends because they prefer to be friends with people who're perfect, kissing their boots, doesn't have disabilities, flatter them and also they prefer to be friends with people who're bullying people with disabilities.

You know where to find evidence which proves deviantART isn't for real friends and for people with disabilities just for boot kissers, flatterers and those who bully people with disabilities.

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