Monday, 25 April 2016

 We changed our minds we do not know which will be the last post.

This you moron who made tumblr post actually confirms we spoke truth about her! Read underlined parts!

With effect from 1 January next year, is likely to come into force on the order of that future disability and loss of ability to work will be based on the International functioning, disability and health classification of the principles laid down.

They determined that take into account not only health problems but also generated activities and operating restrictions.

This means that people from 18 years up to the country reaching the retirement age will assess the functioning of the restrictions and the degree of determination of disability groups, as well as loss of ability to work as a percentage, shall inform the Ministry of Welfare (MoW) Communication Division Marika Kupče. By country reaching the retirement age will also review the functioning of limits and the degree of determination of disability groups.
The improved disability determination system does not change the disability groupings. They will remain as before, that is to say, I invalidity group - a very severe disability (loss of ability of 80 - 100%), II disability group - severe disability (loss of ability is 60 - 79% of total), III disability group - moderate disability ( loss of ability to have 25-59% of).
People with a disability up to 31 December 2014, repeated disability examination will be carried out only after expiry of the period of disability. People with disabilities is set for life, it will not be reviewed.
It is also planned that the predictable disability, disability and work capacity examination based on the free will of human presence. It provides that a person will have to appear in person only if the Health and Work Expert Physicians Commission (HLCEDC) will not have sufficient information or it will be controversial. Currently, disability expertise largely carried out by the human presence.
People with a disability up to 31 December 2014, repeated disability examination will be carried out only after expiry of the period of disability. People with disabilities is set for life, it will not be reviewed.
Expected disability, disability and work capacity loss detection criteria, deadlines and arrangements have yet to be coordinated with the ministries and approved by the government.

Social anxiety disorder is mental health problem in other words which means she had mental health problems!  At the time when she spoke with GFSLEGION she had symptoms of it in severe state which indicated she could develop disorder. Her disability is another reason why she told  no to job offer.  She did not wished to  have a job and make everybody happy with this fact at the cost of her own health.  We know some examples of disabled people who overloaded themselves which costed them their health and instead of moderate disability they had before now they have severe disability group.

Her disabilities were reviewed by the authority it is why she had that card.
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