Then let me explain that doing all what GFSLEGION and Grummel83 did to girl (mentioned in previous post) just because girl overreacted can cause discomfort and intense fear to someone who has social anxiety disorder like girl has which can lead to panic attacks. That's exactly what happened with girl and judging by the fact leave us alone is all they are saying after doing this to girl this is what they exactly wanted to do to girl with hopes they'll get away with it without the consequences.
I suggest you to not bother to do anything for GFSLEGION and Grummel83. They just act like they appreciate what you did for them but they don't appreciate what you did for them so doing something for them will be just a waste of time. They forget what you did for them and also says all you did was for evil intentions which you didn't had just because you overreact and freak out from time to time.
It's not just their words leave us alone that points out it's what they wanted to do to girl. Facts like telling all these sick lies about girl to people and saying it's just girl's fault when actually it's their fault too that their friendship with girl reached it's end is also what points out it's what GFSLEGION and Grummel83 wanted to do to girl.