Written by SinRedemption
Hungry primitive is a complete jerk who likes to support defamatory and to help some people to defame someone they wish to defame. Such primitives doesn't wish to think how much of it all is truth because for them it's more important and fun to defame someone. Hungry primitives believes everything just because someone with good reputation said it all or just because his friends said so without asking to prove if that's really true. These hungry primitives are unable to think and realize that not everything what people with good reputation or his friends says is true. Everyone who's their so called friend or who has good reputation can easily fool these hungry primitives.
Ass kisser is a person who sucks up to people in a position of authority in order to get some kind of reward or perks and it's also Someone who does anything to get their boss/co-worker/asshole friends to like them and someone who should be punched in the jaw.
Hellraiser-89 (Chris) is good example for both of these definitions. He wrote lies about me in his journals on deviantART just because his friends says I did that although none of them have any evidence that I did that just poor excuses and accusations and that's why he and his friends should be punched in the jaw.
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